Real-time Terrain Rendering and Processing

Shiben Bhattacharjee (homepage)

Terrains are of great interest in flight simulators, geographic information systems and computer games. In computer graphics, terrain rendering is a special case because of their bulk. They cannot be handled as a single entity like other object models like teapots, cars and crates. Triangulated irregular networks of terrains are typically created by simplifying a dense representation. Such representations are popular in GIS and computational geometry. The recent trend in graphics is to use regular grid representations since they go well with today�s graphics hardware. We explore different representation techniques to render terrains in this thesis. We look into real-time rendering, editing, and physical interaction with external objects on terrains. We also present a representation for efficient rendering of spherical terrains. Apart from rendering terrains realistically, we develop a method to render terrains artistically with painterly abstraction as well.. (more...)


Year of completion:  2010
 Advisor : P. J. Narayanan

Related Publications

  • Shiben Bhattacharjee, Suryakanth Patidar and P. J. Narayanan - Real-time Rendering and Manipulation of Large Terrains IEEE Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 551-559, 16-19 Dec,2008, Bhubaneswar, India. [PDF]

  • Shiben Bhattacharjee and P.J. Narayanan - Real-Time Painterly Rendering of Terrains IEEE Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 568-575, 16-19 Dec,2008, Bhubaneswar, India. [PDF]

  • Soumyjit Deb, P.J. Naryanan and Shiben Bhattacharjee - Streaming Terrain Rendering , The 33rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics Interactive Techniques Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, Massachusetts USA, 30 July - 3 August, 2006. [PDF]

  • Shiben Bhattacharjee and Niharika Adabala - Texture guided Realtime Painterly Rendering of Geometric Models, 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.311-320, 2006. [PDF]

  • Soumyajit Deb, Shiben Bhattacharjee, Suryakant Patidar and P. J. Narayanan - Real-time Streaming and Rendering of Terrains, 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.276-288, 2006. [PDF]

  • Shiben Bhattacharjee and P. J. Narayanan - Hexagonal Geometry Clipmaps for Spherical Terrain Rendering, in Sketch, in The 1st ACMSIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition in Asia (SIGGRAPHAsia), 2008.
  • TECHNICAL REPORT: Suryakant Patidar, Shiben Bhattacharjee, Jagmohan Singh and P. J. Narayanan, Exploiting the Shader Model 4.0 Architecture, in Technical Report, IIIT Hyderabad,, 2006.


