Speeding Up MRF Optimization Using Graph Cuts For Computer Vision

Vibhav Vineet (homepage)

Many problems in computer vision are mapped to minimization of an energy or a cost function de- fined over a discrete Markov Random Field (MRF) or Conditional Random Field (CRF). The primary reason for the popularity has been the successes of the graph cuts based methods in solving various labeling problems, especially, image segmentation, stereo correspondence and image denoising. Subse- quently, computer vision researchers focused on improving the computational efficiency of graph cuts based methods. In this dissertation, we present two methods to speed up the graph cuts to solve different MRF optimization problems optimally.

In the first half of the dissertation, we present efficient methods to speed up MRF optimization using graph cuts on the GPU. In particular, we present our optimal implementation of the push-relabel methods to solve various labeling problems and show how we have efficiently used different facilities available on the GPU. We also present the incremental α-expansion algorithm to solve multilabel MRFs on the GPU and show how shifting the energy function computation and graph construction to the GPU speeds up the overall computation. We compare the efficiency of our approaches on the problems of image segmentation, image restoration, photomontage and disparity computation on the GPU.

The second half of the dissertation deals with the minimization of energy functions defined over large images involving millions of pixels and large number of labels. The computation and memory costs of the current vision algorithms increase at a very fast rate with the increase in the number of the variables in the MRF. This makes them inapplicable to be used for problems involving large images. We present Pyramid Reparameterization scheme to improve the computation efficiency without sacrificing global optimality for bilabel segmentation. We also formulate the multilabel problems esp. stereo correspondence and image denoising on multiresolution framework using Pyramid Reparameterization. This formulation reduces both the computation and memory costs. We model the optimization problem on the pyramidal framework to dynamically update and initialize the solution at the current level with the solution from the previous level. The results of this method are compared with those obtained using conventional methods which solve graph cuts on the largest image.


Year of completion:  June 2010
 Advisor : P. J. Narayanan

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  • Vibhav Vineet and P. J. Narayanan - CUDA Cuts: Fast Graph Cuts on the GPU Proceedings of CVPR Workshop on Visual Computer Vision on GPUs, 23-28th june, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2008 [PDF]

  • Fast Graph Cuts on the GPU: P. J. Narayanan, Vibhav Vineet and Timo Stitch - Fast Graph Cuts on the GPU. GPU Computing Gems (GCG), Volume 1 Dec. 2010(Book Chapter).
  • Pawan Harish, Vibhav Vineet and P. J. Narayanan - Large Graph Algorithms for Massively Multi-threaded Architectures, IIIT Tech Report, IIIT/TR/2009/74.
  • Vibhav Vineet, Pawan Harish, Suryakant Patidar and P. J. Narayanan - Fast Minimum Spanning Tree for Large Graphs on the GPU: GPU Computing Gems (GCG). (Under Submission)


