
LectureVideoDBLectureVideoDB - A dataset for text detection and Recognition in Lecture Videos

People Involved : Kartik Dutta, Minesh Mathew, Praveen Krishnan and CV Jawahar

Lecture videos are rich with textual information and to be able to understand the text is quite useful for larger video understanding/analysis applications. Though text recognition from images have been an active research area in computer vision, text in lecture videos has mostly been overlooked. In this work, we investigate the efficacy of state-of-the art handwritten and scene text recognition methods on text in lecture videos


wordlevelWord level Handwritten datasets for Indic scripts

People Involved : Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and CV Jawahar

Handwriting recognition (HWR) in Indic scripts is a challenging problem due to the inherent subtleties in the scripts, cursive nature of the handwriting and similar shape of the characters. Lack of publicly available handwriting datasets in Indic scripts has affected the development of handwritten word recognizers. In order to help resolve this problem, we release 2 handwritten word datasets: IIIT-HW-Dev, a Devanagari dataset and IIIT-HW-Telugu, a Telugu dataset.