Box & Trees Data Set

This is a complex scene with around eight objects. It has around five trees and some grass objects. These objects are ac3d objects which have been imported into the tool and placed to a complex scene. This is a data set which is ideal for testing alpha matte algorithms. The thin corners of the leaves of plants are difficult to seperate out. This data set provides a set of images rendered at various resolutions.

Box Trees Data

BoxTreesThis data set includes the following ::

  • Images of the scene in Images directory.
  • Depth-maps of the scene in DepthMaps directory.
  • Alpha-maps of the scene in AlphaMaps directory.
  • Object-maps of the scene in ObjMaps directory.
  • Scene file used for creating this data BoxTrees.scene.
  • POV-Ray scene description of the scene BoxTrees.pov.
  • Models used in the scene models directory.
  • Each directory includes different resolutions of the representations.