Journal Publications
Thrupthi Ann John, Vineeth N Balasubramanian and CV Jawahar - Explaining Deep Face Algorithms Through Visualization: A Survey IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science ( Volume: 6, Issue: 1, January 2024) [PDF]
Bipasha Sen, Aditya Agarwal, Vinay P Namboodiri, and C V Jawahar - INR-V: A Continuous Representation Space for Video-based Generative Tasks, Transactions in Machine Learning Research (TMLR 2022) [ PDF ]
K. V. Jobin, Ajoy Mondal, C. V. Jawahar - Document Image Analysis Using Deep Multi-modular Features , SN Computer Science [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal , Chetan Reddy and C. V. Jawahar - Deep semantic binarization for document images, Multimedia Tools and Application. [ PDF ]
Ashish Menon, Piyush Singh , P. K. Vinod C.V. Jawahar - Exploring Histological Similarities Across Cancers From a Deep Learning Perspective , Frontiers in Oncology Cancer Imaging and Image-directed Interventions [PDF]
Thrupthi Ann John, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, and C.V. Jawahar - Canonical Saliency Maps: Decoding Deep Face Models , IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM) [PDF]
Minesh Mathew, Lluis Gomez , Dimosthenis Karatzas and C.V. Jawahar - Asking Questions on Handwritten Document Collections , International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) (IJDAR -ICDAR special issue 2021) [PDF]
C.V. Jawahar - Spotting words in silent speech videos: a retrieval-based approach, Machine Vision and Applications 2019 [PDF]
andLovish Chum, Anbumani Subramanian, Vineeth N. Balasubramanian and C.V. Jawahar - Beyond Supervised Learning: A Computer Vision Perspective, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science [PDF]
Ayushi Dutta, Yashaswi Verma, and and C.V. Jawahar - Automatic image annotation: the quirks and what works Multimedia Tools and Applications An International Journal [PDF]
G. Nagendar, Viresh Ranjan, Gaurav Harit and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient Query Specific DTW Distance for Document Retrieval with Unlimited Vocabulary, J. Imaging, 2018[PDF]
Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Andrew Zisserman and C.V. Jawahar - Human pose search using deep networks Image and Vision Computing 59 (2017): 31-43. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma and C.V. Jawahar - A support vector approach for cross-modal search of images and texts Computer Vision and Image Understanding 154 (2017): 48-63. [PDF]
Vijay Kumar, Anoop Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Semi-supervised annotation of faces in image collection. Signal, Image and Video Processing (2017). [PDF]
Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari and C.V. Jawahar - Unsupervised refinement of color and stroke features for text binarization International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) (2017): 1-17. [PDF]
Priyam Bakliwal, Devadath V V and C.V. Jawahar - Align Me: A framework to generate Parallel Corpus Using OCRs & Bilingual Dictionaries WSSANLP 2016 (2016): 173. [PDF]
Rahul Anand Sharma, Vineet Gandhi, Visesh Chari and C. V. Jawahar - Automatic analysis of broadcast football videos using contextual priors Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIVP 2016), Volume 10, Issue 5, July, 2016. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma, C.V. Jawahar - Image Annotation by Propagating Labels from Semantic Neighbourhoods International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2016. [PDF]
Suriya Singh, Chetan Arora and C. V. Jawahar - Trajectory Aligned Features for First Person Action Recognition IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition, 2016. [PDF]
A. H. Abdul Hafez, Manpreet Arora, K. Madhava Krishna, C.V. Jawahar - Learning multiple experiences useful visual features for active maps localization in crowded environments. Advanced Robotics 30(1): 50-67 (2016). [PDF]
Swagatika Panda, A. H. Abdul Hafez, C. V. Jawahar - Single and Multiple View Support Order Prediction in Clutter for Manipulation. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 83(2): 179-203 (2016). [PDF]
Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari and C. V. Jawahar - Enhancing energy minimization framework for scene text recognition with top-down cues - Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU 2016), volume 145, pages 30–42, 2016. [PDF]
Aseem Behl, Pritish Mohapatra, C. V. Jawahar, M. Pawan Kumar - Optimizing Average Precision using Weakly Supervised Data IEEE Transations on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI 2015). [PDF]
Abdul Hafez, Anil K. Nelakanti, C. V. Jawahar - Path Planning for Visual Servoing and Navigation using Convex Optimization IAEL International Journal Robotions and Automation (IJRA2015). [PDF]
Pramod Sankar K, R Manmatha and C V Jawahar - Large Scale Document Image Retrieval by Automatic Word Annotation International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR):Volume 17, Issue 1(2014), Page 1-17. [PDF]
Hafez, Enric Cervera and C.V. Jawahar - Stable hybrid visual servo control by a weighted combination of image-based and position-based algorithms International Journal of Control and Automation 6.3 (2013): 149-164. [PDF]
R Manrnatha and C.V. Jawahar - Challenges in the Recognition and Searching of Printed Books in Indian Languages and Scripts Multimedia Information Extraction and Digital Heritage Preservation 10 (2011): 119. [PDF]
Maneesh Upmanyu, Anoop M. Namboodiri, Kannan Srinathan and C. V. Jawahar - Blind Authentication: A Secure Crypto-Biometric Verification Protocol IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 5(2), pp. 255-268 (2010). [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar, A. Balasubramanian, Million Meshesha and Anoop M. Namboodiri - Retrieval of Online Handwriting by Synthesis and Matching Proceeding of the International Journal on Pattern Recognition, 42(7), 1445-1457, 2009. [PDF]
Sreekanth Vempati, Mihir Jain, Omkar M. Parkhi and C.V. Jawahar - Oxford-IIIT TRECVID 2009-Notebook Paper Proceedings of the 5th TRECVid Workshop. 2009. [PDF]
Meshesha, Million and C.V. Jawahar - Matching word images for content-based retrieval from printed document images International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 11.1 (2008): 29-38. [PDF]
Million Meshesha and C. V. Jawahar - Matching word image for content-based retrieval from printed document images Proceeding of the International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, IJDAR 11(1), 29-38, 2008. [PDF]
Million Meshesha and C. V. Jawahar - Indigenous Scripts of African Languaes Proceeding of the African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 132-142, 2007. [PDF]
Million Meshesha and C. V. Jawahar - Optical Character Recognition of Amharic Documents Proceeding of the Africal Journal of Information and Communcation Technology ISSN 1449-2679, Volume 3, Number 3, December 2007. [PDF]
Y.C. Lal, C.P.I. Barkan, J. Drapa, N. Ahuja, J.M. Hart, P. J. Narayanan, C. V. Jawahar, A. Kmar, L.R. Milhon and M. Stehly - Machine vision analysis of the energy efficiency of intermodal freight trains Proceeding of the Institution Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, ISSN 09540-4097, Volume 221, Number 3/2007, Pages 353-364, 2007. [PDF]
Million Meshesha and C.V. Jawahar - Indigenous scripts of African languages Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems 6.2 (2007): 132-142. [PDF]
Anubhav Agarwal, C.V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - A survey of planar homography estimation techniques Centre for Visual Information Technology, Tech. Rep. IIIT/TR/2005/12 (2005). [PDF]
M. Pawan Kumar, Saurabh Goyal, Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Discrete Contours in Multiple Views: Approximation and Recognition Journal of Image and Vision Computin, Vol. 22, No. 14, December 2004, pp. 1229--1239. [PDF]
Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Fourier Domain Representation of Planar Curves for Recognition in Multiple Views, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 37, No. 4, April 2004, pp. 739--754. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - An Adaptive Multifeature Correspondence Algorithm for Stereo using Dynamic Programming, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, No. 5, March 2002, pp. 549--556. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Generalised Correlation for Multi-Feature Correspondence, Pattern Recognition Vol. 35, No. 6, June 2002, pp. 1303--1313. [PDF]
K. Rajesh, C. V. Jawahar, S. Sengupta and S. Sinha - Performance Analysis of Textural Features for Characterisation and Classification of SAR Images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 22, No. 8, May 2001, pp. 1555--1569. [PDF]
Vishwanadha, Kaushik and C.V. Jawahar - Detection of Devanagiri Text in Digital Images using Connected Component Analysis Proceeding of the national Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (NCDAR) Mandya, India. 2001. [PDF]
C.V. Jawahar, P.K. Biswas and A.K. Ray - Analysis of fuzzy thresholding schemes Pattern Recognition 33.8 (2000): 1339-1349. [PDF]
C.V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Feature Integration and Selection for Pixel Correspondence Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP). 2000. [PDF]
Books and Books Chapter
C. V. Jawahar, Shiguang Shan - Computer Vision - ACCV 2014 Workshops Singapore, Revised Selected Papers, Part I, Part II & Part III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9008, 9009 & 9010 Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-16627-8, ISBN 978-3-319-16630-8 & ISBN 978-3-319-16633-9, November 1-2, 2014, [contents].
Rasagna, Venkat, K. J. Jinesh and C.V. Jawahar - On Multifont Character Classification in Telugu Information Systems for Indian Languages. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. 86-91. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar, Anand Kumar, A. Phaneendra and K. J. Jinesh (2009) - Building Data Sets for Indian Language OCR Research, in Guide to OCR for Indic Scripts Document Recognition and Retrieval 2009 (eds.) Venu Govindaraju and Srirangaraj Setlur, pp. 3-26, Springer, ISBN 978-1-84800-329-3. [PDF]
N. V. Neeba, Anoop M. Namboodiri, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan (2009) - Recognition of Malayalam Documents, in Guide to OCR for Indic Scripts Document Recognition and Retrieval 2009 (eds.) Venu Govindaraju and Srirangaraj Setlur, pp. 125-146, Springer, ISBN 978-1-84800-329-3. [PDF]
pramod Sankar K and C.V. Jawahar - Enabling search over large collections of telugu document images–an automatic annotation based approach. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. 837-848. [PDF]
MNSSK Pavan Kumar and C. V. Jawahar, Information Processing from Document Images, In Information Technology: Principles and Applications (Ed) A. K. Ray and T. Acharya, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004, pp. 522--547, ISBN-81-203-2184-7. [PDF]
C V Jawahar, J Mukhopadhyaya, P J Narayanan and R Nevatia eds., ICVGIP'2000 : Proceedings of Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Prcessing, Allied Publishers, 2000. [PDF]
Conference Publications
Soumya Shamarao Jahagirdar, Ajoy Mondal, Yuheng Ren, Omkar M. Parkhi, and C V Jawahar , ICDAR 2024 Competition on Reading Documents Through Aria Glasses In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2024 [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal, Vijay Mahadevan, R. Manmatha and C V Jawahar , ICDAR 2024 Competition on Recognition and VQA on Handwritten Documents In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2024 [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal, Krishna Tulsyan and C V Jawahar , Bridging the Gap in Resource for Offline English Handwritten Text Recognition In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2024 [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal, Krishna Tulsyan and C V Jawahar , Indic Scene Text on the Roadside In International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2024 [ PDF ]
Harsh Lunia, Ajoy Mondal and C V Jawahar , ICPR 2024 Competition on Word Image Recognition from Indic Scene Images In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024 [ PDF ]
Minesh Mathew, Ajoy Mondal and C V Jawahar , Towards Deployable OCR Models for Indic Languages In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024. [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal and C V Jawahar , Unconstrained Camera Captured Indic Offline Handwritten Dataset In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024. [PDF ]
Evani Lalitha, Ajoy Mondal and C V Jawahar , Enhancing Accuracy in Indic Handwritten Text Recognition In International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP), 2024. [ PDF ]
Alik Sarkar, Ajoy Mondal, Gurpreet Singh Lehal and C V Jawahar , Printed OCR for Extremely Low-resource Indic Languages In International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP), 2024 [ PDF ]
Soumya Shamarao Jahagirdar, Jayasree Saha and C V Jawahar , Prompt2LVideos: Exploring Prompts for Understanding Long-Form Multimodal Videos In International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP), 2024 [ PDF ]
Ravi Shankar Mishra, Dev Singh Thakur, Anbumani Subramanian, Mukti Advani, S Velmurugan, Juby Jose, C V Jawahar, and Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla , Enhancing Road Safety: Predictive Modeling of Accident-Prone Zones with ADAS-Equipped Vehicle Fleet Data In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) , 2024 [ PDF ]
Sai Niranjan Ramachandran , Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Madhav Agarwal, CV Jawahar and Vinay Namboodiri - Understanding the Generalization of Pretrained Diffusion Models on Out-of-Distribution Data. The Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2024) [PDF]
Chirag Parikh, Rohit Saluja, CV Jawahar , Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla - IDD-X: A Multi-View Dataset for Ego-relative Important Object Localization and Explanation in Dense and Unstructured Traffic. International Conference on. Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2024) [PDF]
Jayasree Saha, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Aparna Agrawal, Surabhi Jain CV Jawahar - An Approach for Speech Enhancement in Low SNR Environments using Granular Speaker Embedding In Proceedings of the 7th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (11th ACM IKDD CODS and 29th COMAD) (CODS-COMAD '24). 2024 [PDF]
Krishna Tulsyan, Tessy Flemin , Ajoy Mondal CV Jawahar - IndicOCR: A Pipeline for Recognizing Printed Documents for Indian Languages In Proceedings of the 7th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (11th ACM IKDD CODS and 29th COMAD) (CODS-COMAD '24). 2024 [PDF]
K. V. Jobin , Anand Mishra and CV Jawahar - Semantic Labels-Aware Transformer Model for Searching over a Large Collection of Lecture-Slides IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2024 [PDF]
Siddhant Bansal, Chetan Arora and CV Jawahar - United We Stand, Divided We Fall: UnityGraph for Unsupervised Procedure Learning from Videos IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2024 [PDF]
Sindhu B. Hegde, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, C. V. Jawahar , Vinay P. Namboodiri - Towards Accurate Lip-to-Speech Synthesis in-the-Wild ACMM Conference October 2023, [PDF]
Varun Gupta, Anbumani Subramanian, C.V. Jawahar , Rohit Saluja - CueCAn: Cue-driven Contextual Attention for Identifying Missing Traffic Signs on Unconstrained Roads ICRA 2023 [PDF]
George Tom, Minesh Mathew, Sergi Garcia-Bordils, Dimosthenis Karatzas, C.V. Jawahar - ICDAR 2023 Competition on RoadText Video Text Detection, Tracking and Recognition ICDAR 2023 [PDF]
Sachin Raja, Ajoy Mondal, C. V. Jawahar - ICDAR 2023 Competition on Visual Question Answering on Business Document Images 2023 [PDF]
Ajoy Modal, C. V. Jawahar - ICDAR 2023 Competition on Indic Handwriting Text Recognition 2023 [PDF]
Harsh Lunia, Ajoy Mondal, C. V. Jawahar - ICDAR Workshops- IndicSTR12: A Dataset for Indic Scene Text Recognition 2023 [PDF]
George Tom, Minesh Mathew, Sergi Garcia-Bordils, Dimosthenis Karatzas, C. V. Jawahar - Reading Between the Lanes: Text VideoQA on the Road 2023 [PDF]
S Dokania, AH Hafez, A Subramanian, M Chandraker, CV Jawahar - IDD-3D: Indian Driving Dataset for 3D Unstructured Road Scenes 2023 [PDF]
Vivek Talwar, Pragya Singh, Nirza Mukhia, Anupama Shetty, Praveen Birur, Karishma M. Desai, Chinnababu Sunkavalli, Konala S. Varma, Ramanathan Sethuraman, C. V. Jawahar, and P. K. Vinod - AI-Assisted Screening of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders Using Smartphone-Based Photographic Images cancers [PDF]
Aditya Agarwal, Bipasha Sen, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Towards MOOCs for Lipreading: Using Synthetic Talking Heads to Train Humans in Lipreading at Scale, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) [ PDF ]
Aditya Agarwal, Bipasha Sen, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - FaceOff: A Video-to-Video Face Swapping System, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) [ PDF ]
Madhav Agarwal, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay P. Namboodiri, C V Jawahar - Audio-Visual Face Reenactment, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023 [ PDF ]
Darshan Singh S*, Anchit Gupta*, C.V. Jawahar and Makarand Tapaswi - Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) [ PDF ]
Soumya Jahagirdar, Minesh Mathew, Dimosthenis Karatzas, C. V. Jawahar - Watching the News: Towards VideoQA Models that can Read, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) [ PDF ]
Anchit Gupta, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Sindhu Balachandra, Faizan Farooq Khan, Vinay P. Namboodiri, C. V. Jawahar - Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Face Videos with Lip synchronization , Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) [ PDF ]
Shubham Dokania, Anbumani Subramanian, A. H. Abdul Hafez, Manmohan Chandraker, C. V. Jawahar - 3D Driving on Indian Roads: IDD-3D Dataset, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2023) [ PDF ]
Thrupthi Ann John, Isha Dua, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, and C.V. Jawahar - ETL: Efficient Transfer Learning for Face Tasks, 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2022. [PDF]
Avijit Dasgupta, C. V. Jawahar, Karteek Alahari - Overcoming Label Noise for Source-free Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation, 13th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 2022 [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal, Krishna Tulsyan, C. V. Jawahar - Automatic Annotation of Handwritten Document Images at Word Level , 13th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 2022 [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal, Rohit Saluja, C. V. Jawahar - Towards Robust Handwritten Text Recognition with On-the-fly User Participation , 13th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 2022 [ PDF ]
Rohit Saluja, Prafful Kumar, Chirag Parikh, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla, C. V. Jawaha - A Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) Dataset for Unconstrained Roads , 13th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 2022 [ PDF ]
Ajoy Mondal and C. V. Jawahar - Enhancing Indic Handwritten Text Recognition using Global Semantic Information, 18th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR) 2022 [ PDF ]
Zeeshan Khan, C. V. Jawahar, Makarand Tapaswi Grounded Video Situation Recognition , NeurIPS , 2022 [ PDF ]
Minesh Mathew, Viraj Bagal, Ruben Tito, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Ernest Valveny, C.V. Jawahar - InfographicVQA, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022. [PDF]
Sachin Raja, Ajoy Mondal, C.V. Jawahar - Visual Understanding of Complex Table Structures from Document Images, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022. [PDF]
Vamsidhar Muthireddy and C.V. Jawahar - Plant Disease Classification Using Hybrid Features, Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP 2022)
Boddapati Mahesh, Ajoy Mondal, C.V. Jawahar - Mobile Captured Glass Board Image Enhancement Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP 2022)
Madhav Agarwal, Anchit Gupta, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay P. Namboodiri, C V Jawahar - Compressing Video Calls using Synthetic Talking Heads, 33rd British Machine Vision Conference , BMVC 2022 [ PDF ]
Kirandevraj R, Vinod K Kurmi, Vinay P Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Generalized Keyword Spotting using ASR embeddings, INTERSPEECH 2022 [ PDF ]
Deepak Kumar Singh, Shyam Nandan Rai, K J Joseph, Rohit Saluja, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, Chetan Arora, Anbumani Subramanian and C.V. Jawahar - New Objects on the Road? No Problem, We’ll Learn Them Too, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022) [ PDF ]
Sindhu B Hegde, K R Prajwal, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Lip-to-Speech Synthesis for Arbitrary Speakers in the Wild, The 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM-MM), 2022 [ PDF ]
Shubham Dokania , Anbumani Subramanian , Manmohan Chandraker and C.V. Jawahar - TRoVE: Transforming Road Scene Datasets into Photorealistic Virtual Environments , European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022 [ PDF ]
Siddhant Bansal, Chetan Arora and C.V. Jawahar - My View is the Best View: Procedure Learning from Egocentric Videos , European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022 [ PDF ]
Sindhu B Hegde, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Extreme-scale Talking-Face Video Upsampling with Audio-Visual Priors, The 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM-MM), 2022 [ PDF ]
Aman Goyal, Dev Agarwal, Anbumani Subramanian, C.V. Jawahar, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla, Rohit Saluja - Detecting, Tracking and Counting Motorcycle Rider Traffic Violations on Unconstrained Roads, The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR 2022). [ PDF ]
Sergi Garcia-Bordils, George Tom, Sangeeth Reddy, Minesh Mathew, Marçal Rusiñol, C.V. Jawahar, and Dimosthenis Karatzas - Read while you drive - multilingual text tracking on the road, The 15thIAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis System (DAS 2022) . [ PDF ]
Kristen Grauman, Andrew Westbury, Eugene Byrne , Zachary Chavis , Antonino Furnari, Rohit Girdhar , Jackson Hamburger , Hao Jiang , Miao Liu, Xingyu Liu, Miguel Martin , Tushar Nagarajan , Ilija Radosavovic, Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Fiona Ryan, Jayant Sharma , Michael Wray, Mengmeng Xu, Eric Zhongcong Xu, Chen Zhao, Siddhant Bansal, Dhruv Batra, Vincent Cartillier, Sean Crane, Tien Do, Morrie Doulaty, Akshay Erapalli1, Christoph Feichtenhofer, Adriano Fragomeni, Qichen Fu, Abrham Gebreselasie, Cristina Gonz ́alez, James Hillis, Xuhua Huang, Yifei Huang, Wenqi Jia, Weslie Khoo, J ́achym Kol ́aˇr, Satwik Kottur, Anurag Kumar, Federico Landini, Chao Li, Yanghao Li, Zhenqiang Li, Karttikeya Mangalam, Raghava Modhugu, Jonathan Munro, Tullie Murrell, Takumi Nishiyasu1, Will Price, Paola Ruiz Puentes, Merey Ramazanova, Leda Sari, Kiran Somasundaram, Audrey Southerland, Yusuke Sugano, Ruijie Tao, Minh Vo, Yuchen Wang, Xindi Wu, Takuma Yagi, Ziwei Zhao, Yunyi Zhu, Pablo Arbel ́aez†, David Crandall†, Dima Damen†, Giovanni Maria Farinella†, Christian Fuegen†, Bernard Ghanem†, Vamsi Krishna Ithapu†, C. V. Jawahar†, Hanbyul Joo†, Kris Kitani†, Haizhou Li†, Richard Newcombe†, Aude Oliva†, Hyun Soo Park†, James M. Rehg†, Yoichi Sato†, Jianbo Shi†, Mike Zheng Shou†, Antonio Torralba†, Lorenzo Torresani†1, Mingfei Yan†, Jitendra Malik and C.V. Jawahar - Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video , The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022) [ PDF ]
Prachi Garg, Rohit Saluja, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, Chetan Arora, Anbumani Subramanian, C.V. Jawahar - Multi-Domain Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022. [PDF]
Deepak Kumar Singh, Ameet Rahane, Ajoy Mondal, Anbumani Subramanian and C.V. Jawahar - Evaluation of Detection and Segmentation Tasks on Driving Datasets, 6th IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, Dec 3-5th, 2021. [PDF]
Aditya Bharti, Vineeth N. B., and C.V. Jawahar - Towards Label-Free Few-Shot Learning: How Far Can We Go? , 6th IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, Dec 3-5th, 2021. [PDF]
Jobin K.V., Ajoy Mondal, and C.V. Jawahar - Classroom Slide Narration System, 6th IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, Dec 3-5th, 2021. [PDF]
Santhoshini Gongidi and C.V. Jawahar - Handwritten Text Retrieval from Unlabeled Collections, 6th IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, Dec 3-5th, 2021. [PDF]
Deepak Kumar Singh, Shyam Nandan Rai, K J Joseph, Rohit Saluja, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, Chetan Arora, Anbumani Subramanian, and C.V. Jawahar - ORDER: Open World Object Detection on Road Scenes, NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving, Dec 13, 2021. [PDF]
Arpit Bahety, Rohit Saluja, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla , Anbumani Subramanian, C.V. Jawahar - Automatic Quantification and Visualization of Street Trees, Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2021) [PDF]
Sindhu B Hegde, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Audio-Visual Speech Super-Resolution, The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2021. [PDF]
Bipasha Sen, Aditya Agarwal, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Personalized One-Shot Lipreading for an ALS Patient, The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2021. [PDF]
Ashish Menon, Piyush Singh, P. K. Vinod, and C. V. Jawahar - Interactive Learning for Assisting Whole Slide Image Annotation Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR) , 2021 [PDF]
Anchit Gupta, Faizan Farooq Khan, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodri, C.V. Jawahar - Intelligent Video Editing: Incorporating Modern Talking Face Generation Algorithms in a Video Editor, 12th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP), 2021. [PDF]
Seshadri Majumder, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, C.V. Jawahar - Translating Sign Language Videos to Talking Faces, 12th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP), 2021. [PDF]
Arpit Bahety, Rohit Saluja, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla, Anbumani Subramanian, C.V. Jawahar - Automatic Quantification and Visualization of Street Trees, 12th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP), 2021. [PDF]
Bhavani Sambaturu*, Ashutosh Gupta, C.V. Jawahar and Chetan Arora - Efficient and Generic Interactive SegmentationFramework to Correct Mispredictionsduring Clinical Evaluation of Medical Images , The 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021) [PDF]
Santhoshini Gongidi, and C V Jawahar - iiit-indic-hw-words : A Dataset for Indic Handwritten Text Recognition , International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) 2021 [PDF]
Sanjana Gunna, Rohit Saluja and C V Jawahar - Transfer Learning for Scene Text Recognition in Indian Languages , Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR) 2021 [PDF]
Sanjana Gunna, Rohit Saluja and C V Jawahar - Towards Boosting the Accuracy of Non-Latin Scene Text Recognition , International Workshop on Arabic and Derived Script Analysis and Recognition (ASAR) 2021 [PDF]
Mathew, Minesh and Karatzas, Dimosthenis and Jawahar, C.V. DocVQA: A Dataset for VQA on Document Images Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2021). [PDF]
Zeeshan Khan, Kartheek Akella, Vinay P. Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - More Parameters? No Thanks! The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021), Bangkok, Thailand [PDF]
Parul Kapoor, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Sindhu B Hegde, Vinay Namboodiri and C V Jawahar - Towards Automatic Speech to Sign Language Generation Interspeech, 2021, [PDF]
Ruchi Chauhan , PK Vinod and C.V. Jawahar - Exploring Genetic-histologic Relationships in Breast Cancer The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) (ISBI 2021), France [PDF]
Yash Khare, Adithi Devi, Viraj Bagal, Minesh Mathew, U Deva Priyakumar and C.V. Jawahar MMBERT: Multimodal BERT Pretraining for Improved Medical VQA The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) (ISBI 2021), France [PDF]
Raghava Modhugu, Harish Rithish Sethuram, Manmohan Chandraker and C.V. Jawahar Looking Farther in Parametric Scene Parsing with Ground and Aerial Imagery The IInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA ,(ICRA 2021), China [PDF]
Avijit Dasgupta, C.V. Jawahar and Karteek Alahari - Context Aware Group Activity Recognition The 25th International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (ICPR 2021), Milano [PDF]
Madhav Agarwal, Ajoy Mondal and C.V. Jawahar CDeC-Net: Composite Deformable Cascade Network for Table Detection in Document Images The 25th International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (ICPR 2021), Milano [PDF]
Siddhant Bansal, Praveen Krishnan and C.V. Jawahar Improving Word Recognition using Multiple Hypotheses and Deep Embeddings The 25th International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (ICPR 2021), Milano [PDF]
Palash Goyal, Sachin Raja, Di Huang, Sujit Rokka Chhetri, Arquimedes Canedo, Ajoy Mondal, Jaya Shree and C.V. Jawahar Graph Representation Ensemble Learning IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (ASONAM 2020) [PDF]
K R Prajwal, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay P Namboodiri , C.V. Jawahar - A Lip Sync Expert Is All You Need for Speech to Lip Generation In The Wild Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference 2020 (ACMM 2020),Seattle, USA [PDF]
Shyam Nandan Rai, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, Anbumani Subramanian , C.V. Jawahar - Spatial Feedback Learning to Improve Semantic Segmentation in Hot Weather Proceedings of the 31st British Machine Vision Conference 2020 (BMVC2020),UK [PDF]
Ayushi Dutta, Yashaswi Verma, C.V. Jawahar - Recurrent Image Annotation With Explicit Inter-Label Dependencies Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Computer Vision 2020 (ECCV2020) [PDF]
Deepayan Das and C. V. Jawahar - Adapting OCR with Limited Supervision - 14th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis System (DAS 2020) [PDF]
Nimisha Srivastava, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, K R Prajwal and C. V. Jawahar - IndicSpeech: Text-to-Speech Corpus for Indian Languages The International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). [PDF]
K R Prajwal, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay P. Namboodiri and C. V. Jawahar - Learning Individual Speaking Styles for Accurate Lip to Speech Synthesis The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR 2020). [PDF]
Shashank Siripragada, Jerin Philip, Vinay P. Namboodir and C. V. Jawahar - A Multilingual Parallel Corpora Collection Effort for Indian Languages The International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). [PDF]
Dikshant Gupta, Aditya Anantharaman, Nehal Mamgain, Sowmya Kamath S, Vineeth N Balasubramanian and C. V. Jawahar - A Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detection Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2020). [PDF]
Krishna Tulsyan, Nimisha Srivastava, Ajoy Mondal and C. V. Jawahar - A Benchmark System for Indian Language Text Recognition - 14th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis System (DAS 2020) [PDF]
Krishna Tulsyan, Vandna Chaturvedi, Aradhana Vinod, Nimisha Srivastava, Ajoy Mondal and C. V. Jawahar - Audio Book Creation System for Indian Languages - 14th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis System (DAS 2020) [PDF]
Sachin Raja, Ajoy Mondal and C. V. Jawahar - Table Structure Recognition using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cues - 16th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020) [PDF]
Sangeeth Reddy,Minesh Mathew, Lluis Gomez, Marçal Rusinol, Dimosthenis Karatzas and C. V. Jawahar - RoadText-1K: Text Detection & Recognition Dataset for Driving Videos International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020). [PDF]
Ajoy Mondal, Peter Lipps and C. V. Jawahar - IIIT-AR-13K: A New Dataset for Graphical Object Detection in Documents - 14th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis System (DAS 2020) [PDF]
Shyam Nandan Rai, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, Anbumani Subramanian and C. V. Jawahar - Munich to Dubai: How far is it for Semantic Segmentation? Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2020). [PDF]
Isha Dua, Thrupthi Ann John, Riya Gupta, and C. V. Jawahar - DGAZE: Driver Gaze Mapping on Road International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IROS'2020). [PDF]
Shyam Nandan Rai and C. V. Jawahar - Learning To Generate Atmospheric Turbulent Images National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2019 [PDF]
Ashutosh Mishra, Sudhir Kumar, Tarun Kalluri, Girish Varma, Anbumani Subramaian, Manmohan Chandraker and C. V. Jawahar - Semantic Segmentation Datasets for Resource Constrained Training National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2019 [PDF]
Raghava Modhugu, Ranjith Reddy and C. V. Jawahar - Dear Commissioner, please fix these: A scalable system for inspecting road infrastructure National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2019 [PDF]
Vamsidhar Muthireddy and C. V. Jawahar - Indian Plant Recognition in the Wild National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2019 [PDF]
Vishnu Sashank Dorbala, A.H. Abdul Hafez and C. V. Jawahar - A Deep Learning Approach for Robust Corridor Following, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), November 4 - 8, 2019, The Venetian Macao, Macau, China.[PDF]
K R Prajwal, C. V. Jawahar and Ponnurangam Kumaraguru - Towards Increased Accessibility of Meme Images with the Help of Rich Face Emotion Captions, 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM),2019[PDF]
Prajwal K R, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Jerin Philip, Abhishek Jha, Vinay Namboodiri and C. V. Jawahar- Towards Automatic Face-to-Face Translation, 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM),2019[PDF]
Anuj Rathore,Pravin Nagar, Chetan Arora and C. V. Jawahar- Generating 1 Minute Summaries of Day Long Egocentric Videos, 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM),2019[PDF]
Tarun Kalluri, Girish Varma, Manmohan Chandraker and C. V. Jawahar- Universal Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, International Conference on Computer Vision[PDF]
Isha Dua, Akshay Uttama Nambi, Venkat Padmanabhn and C. V. Jawahar - Driver Inattention Analysis TBIOM, IEEE Biometrics [PDF]
K. V. Jobin, Ajoy Mondal and C. V. Jawahar - DocFigure: A Dataset for Scientific Document Figure Classification, The 13th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2019), September 20-21, 2019, Sydney, Australia, in conjuction with ICDAR.[PDF]
Ajoy Mondal and C. V. Jawahar - Textual Description for Mathematical Equations, The 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2019, 20 - 25 September 2019, Australia.[PDF]
Ranajit Saha, Ajoy Mondal and C. V. Jawahar - Graphical Object Detection in Document Images, The 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2019, 20 - 25 September 2019, Australia.[PDF]
Vijay Rowtula, Subba Reddy Oota and C. V. Jawahar - Towards Automated Evaluation of Handwritten Assessments, The 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2019, 20 - 25 September 2019, Australia.[PDF]
Deepayan Das, Jerin Philip, Minesh Mathew and C. V. Jawahar - A Cost Efficient Approach to Correct OCR Errors in Large Document Collections, The 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2019, 20 - 25 September 2019, Australia.[PDF]
Aditya Arun, C. V. Jawahar and M. Pawan Kumar - Dissimilarity Coefficient based Weakly Supervised Object Detection, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019, 15 - 21 June 2019, Long Beach, California, United States.[PDF]
Anil Batra, Suriya Singh, Guan Pang, Saikat Basu, C. V. Jawahar and Manohar Paluri - Improved Road Connectivity by Joint Learning of Orientation and Segmentation, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019, 15 - 21 June 2019, Long Beach, California, United States.[PDF]
Yash Patel, Lluis Gomez, Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas and C. V. Jawahar - Self-Supervised Visual Representations for Cross-Modal Retrieval, The International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval(ICMR) 2019, 10 - 13 June 2019, Canada. [PDF]
Isha Dua, Akshay Uttama Nambi, C.V. Jawahar and Venkat Padmanabhan - AutoRate: How attentive is the driver?, 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2019), France [PDF]
Tejaswi Kasarla, G. Nagendar, Guruprasad M Hegde,Vineeth N. Balasubramanian and C V Jawahar - Region-based Active Learning for Efficient Labeling in Semantic Segmentation IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2019)Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii
Girish Varma, Anbumani Subramanian, Anoop Namboodiri, Manmohan Chandraker and C V Jawahar - IDD: A Dataset for Exploring Problems ofAutonomous Navigation in Unconstrained Environments, IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2019)Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii[PDF]
Sudhir Kumar Reddy, , Girish Varma, and C V Jawahar - Cityscale Road Audit System using Deep Learning, International Conference on Intelligent Robots (IROS’18) [PDF]
Aditya Arun, C. V. Jawahar and M. Pawan Kumar - Learning Human Poses from Actions Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, 03-06 Sep 2018, Northumbria[PDF]
G Nagendar, Digvijay Singh and C. V. Jawahar - NeuroIoU: Learning a Surrogate Loss for Semantic Segmentation Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, 03-06 Sep 2018, Northumbria[PDF]
Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C.V. Jawahar - Improving CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks for Handwriting Recognition The 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition,Niagara Falls, USA [PDF]
Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C.V. Jawahar - Towards Spotting and Recognition of Handwritten Words in Indic Scripts The 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition,Niagara Falls, USA [PDF]
Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C.V. Jawahar - Localizing and Recognizing Text in Lecture Videos The 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition,Niagara Falls, USA [PDF]
Ankit Lat and C. V. Jawahar - Enhancing OCR Accuracy with Super Resolution 24th Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, in Beijing, China. [PDF]
Vijay Rowtula, Praveen Krishnan, C.V. Jawahar - POS Tagging and Named Entity Recognition on Handwritten Documents, ICON, 2018[PDF]
Samyak Datta, Gaurav Sharma and C. V. Jawahar - Unsupervised Learning of Face Representations, The 13th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), Xi'an, China.[PDF]
Praveen Krishnan, Kartik Dutta and C. V. Jawahar - Word Spotting and Recognition using Deep Embedding, Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 24-27 April 2018, Vienna, Austria. [PDF]
Kartik Dutta,Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C. V. Jawahar - Offline Handwriting Recognition on Devanagari using a new Benchmark Dataset, Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 24-27 April 2018, Vienna, Austria. [PDF]
P Manisha, C. V. Jawahar and Sujit Gujar - Learning Optimal Redistribution Mechanisms Through Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 10 - 15 July 2018, Stockholm.[PDF]
Pritish Mohapatra, C. V. Jawahar and M. Pawan Kumar - Learning to Round for Discrete Labeling Problems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2018, 09 - 11 April 2018, Playa Blanca, Lanzarote.[PDF]
Pritish Mohapatra, Michal Rolı́nek, C. V. Jawahar, Vladimir Kolmogorov and M. Pawan Kumar - Efficient Optimization for Rank-based Loss Functions, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, 18 - 22 June 2018,Salt Lake City, Utah.[PDF]
Suriya Singh, Anil Batra, Guan Pang, Lorenzo Torresani, Saikat Basu, Manohar Paluri, and C. V. Jawahar - Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Overhead Imagery in 29th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2018, Newcastle, UK. [PDF]
Rahul Anand Sharma, Bharath Bhat, Vineet Gandh and C.V.Jawahar - Automated Top View Registration of Broadcast Football Videos IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2018), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 2018. [PDF]
Anurag Ghosh, Suriya Singh and C.V. Jawahar - Towards Structured Analysis of Broadcast Badminton Videos IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2018), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 2018 [PDF]
Abhishek Jha, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Word Spotting in Silent Lip Videos, IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2018), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 2018 [PDF]
Mohit Jain, Minesh Mathew and C. V. Jawahar - Unconstrained OCR for Urdu using Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2017), Nanjing, China, 2017. [PDF]
Minesh Mathew , Mohit Jain and C. V. Jawahar - Benchmarking Scene Text Recognition in Devanagari, Telugu and Malayalam 6th International Workshop on Multilingual OCR, Kyoto, Japan, 2017. [PDF]
Sirnam Swetha, Vineeth N Balasubramanian and C. V. Jawahar - Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Human Pose Correction in Videos 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2017), Nanjing, China, 2017. [PDF]
Jitendra Yasaswi, Suresh Purini and C. V. Jawahar - Plagiarism detection in Programming Assignments Using Deep Features 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2017), Nanjing, China, 2017.[PDF]
V S Vinitha, Minesh Mathew and C. V. Jawahar - An Empirical Study of Effectiveness of Post-processing in Indic Scripts 6th International Workshop on Multilingual OCR, Kyoto, Japan, 2017. [PDF]
Sahil Chelaramani, Vamsidhar Muthireddy and C. V. Jawahar - An Interactive Tour Guide for a Heritage Site in ICCV Workshop on e-Heritage 2017. [PDF]
Harish Krishna and C. V. Jawahar - Improving Small Object Detection 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2017), Nanjing, China, 2017.[PDF]
Soham Saha, Girish Varma and C. V. Jawahar - Compressing Deep Neural Networks for Recognizing Places 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2017), Nanjing, China, 2017. [PDF]
Anurag Ghosh and C. V. Jawahar - SmartTennisTV: Automatic indexing of tennis videos National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2017 [PDF]
Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew, and C. V. Jawahar - Towards Accurate Handwritten Word Recognition for Hindi and Bangla National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2017 [PDF]
K. V. Jobin and C. V. Jawahar - Document Image Segmentation Using Deep Features National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2017 [PDF]
Viral Parekh, Ramanathan Subramanian, Dipanjan Roy C.V. Jawahar - An EEG-based Image Annotation System - National Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2017 [PDF]
Viral Parekh, Ramanathan Subramanian, and CV Jawahar - Eye Contact Detection via Deep Neural Networks International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2017.[PDF]
Vijay Kumar, Anoop Namboodiri, Manohar Paluri and C. V. Jawahar - Pose-Aware Person Recognition Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. [PDF]
Lluis Gomez, Yash Patel, Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas and C.V.Jawahar - Self-supervised learning of visual features through embedding images into text topic spaces Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. [PDF]
Mohit Jain, Minesh Mathew and C. V. Jawahar - Unconstrained Scene Text and Video Text Recognition for Arabic Script 1st International Workshop on Arabic Script Analysis and Recognition (ASAR 2017), Nancy, France, 2017. [PDF]
Jitendra Yasaswi Bharadwaj katta, Srikailash G, Anil Chilupuri, Suresh Purini and C.V. Jawahar - Unsupervised Learning Based Approach for Plagiarism Detection in Programming Assignments ISEC. 2017. [PDF]
Priyam Bakliwal, Guruprasad M. Hegde and C.V. Jawahar - Collaborative Contributions for Better Annotations VISIGRAPP (6: VISAPP). 2017. [PDF]
Bharat Lal Bhatnagar, Suriya Singh, Chetan Arora and C.V. Jawahar - Unsupervised Learning of Deep Feature Representation for Clustering Egocentric Actions Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) [PDF]
Mohak Sukhwani and C.V. Jawahar - Frame level annotations for tennis videos Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2016. [PDF]
Praveen Krishnan and C.V Jawahar - Matching Handwritten Document Images, The 14th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) – Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016. [PDF]
Praveen Krishnan, Kartik Dutta and C.V Jawahar - Deep Feature Embedding for Accurate Recognition and Retrieval of Handwritten Text, 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Shenzhen, China (ICFHR), 2016. [PDF]
Pritish Mohapatra, Puneet Kumar Dokania, C.V Jawahar and M. Pawan Kumar - Partial Linearization based Optimization for Multi-class SVM, Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, (ECCV) – Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma, C.V. Jawahar - A Robust Distance with Correlated Metric Learning for Multi-Instance Multi-Label Data Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF]
Anshuman Majumdar, Praveen Krishnan and C.V. Jawahar - Visual Aesthetic Analysis for Handwritten Document Images,15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Shenzhen, China (ICFHR), 2016. [PDF]
Anurag Ghosh, Yash Patel, Mohak Sukhwani and C.V. Jawahar - Dynamic Narratives for Heritage Tour 3rd Workshop on Computer Vision for Art Analysis (VisART), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016 [PDF]
Ashutosh Mishra, Shyam Nandan Rai, Anand Mishra and C. V. Jawahar, IIIT-CFW: A Benchmark Database of Cartoon Faces in the Wild, 1st workshop on visual analysis and sketch (ECCVW) 2016. [PDF]
Vidyadhar Rao, Prateek Jain and C. V. Jawahar - Diverse Yet Efficient Retrieval using Locality Sensitive Hashing Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, New York, USA, June 6-9, 2016. [PDF]
Suriya Singh, Chetan Arora, C.V. Jawahar - First Person Action Recognition Using Deep Learned Descriptors Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR 16), 26 June - 01 July, 2016, Las Vegas, USA. [PDF]
Harit Pandya, K. Madhava Krishna and C. V. Jawahar - Discriminative Learning based Visual Servoing across Object Instances - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2016), 16-21 May, 2016, Stockholm, Swedan. [PDF]
V S Vinitha, C V Jawahar - Error Detection in Indic OCRs - Proceedings of 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'16), 11-14 April, 2016, Santorini, Greece. [PDF]
Minesh Mathew, Ajeet Kumar Singh and C V Jawahar - Multilingual OCR for Indic Scripts - Proceedings of 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'16), 11-14 April, 2016, Santorini, Greece. [PDF]
Ajeet Kumar Singh, Anand Mishra, Pranav Dabral and C V Jawahar - A Simple and Effective Solution for Script Identification in the Wild - Proceedings of 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'16), 11-14 April, 2016, Santorini, Greece. [PDF]
Mallikarjun B R, Visesh Chari, C. V. Jawahar , Akshay Asthana - Face Fiducial Detection by Consensus of Exemplars Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision(WACV), 2016. [PDF]
Digvijay Singh, Vineeth Balasubramanian, C. V. Jawahar - Fine-Tuning Human Pose Estimations in Videos Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision(WACV), 2016. [PDF]
Sirnam Swetha, Anand Mishra, Guruprasad M. Hegde and C. V. Jawahar - Efficient Object Annotation for Surveillance and Automotive Applications - Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshop (WACVW 2016), March 7-9, 2016. [PDF]
Vidyadhar Rao, Ajitesh Gupta, Visesh Chari, C. V. Jawahar - Learning Metrics for Diversity in Instance Retrieval Proceedings of the 5th National Confernece on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, 16-19 Dec 2015, Patna, India. [PDF]
Priyam Bakliwal, C.V. Jawahar - Active Learning Based Image Annotation Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2015), 16-19 Dec 2015, Patna, India. [PDF]
Mallikarjun B.R., C.V. Jawahar - Efficient Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2015), 16-19 Dec 2015, Patna, India.
Suriya Singh, C.V. Jawahar - Generic Action Recognition from Egocentric Videos Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2015), 16-19 Dec 2015, Patna, India. [PDF]
Vijay Kumar R., Anoop M. Namboodiri, C.V. Jawahar - Visual Phrases for Exemplar Face Detection Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015), 13-16 Dec 2015, Santiago, Chile. [PDF]
Viresh Ranjan, Nikhil Rasiwasia, C.V. Jawahar - Multi-Label Cross-modal Retrieval Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015), 13-16 Dec 2015, Santiago, Chile. [PDF]
Rahul Anand Sharma, Pramod Sankar K., C.V. Jawahar - Fine-Grain Annotation of Cricket Videos Proceedings of the 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, 03-06 Nov 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma, C. V. Jawahar - A Probabilistic Approach for Image Retrieval Using Descriptive Textual Queries Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia, 26-30 Oct 2015, Brisbane, Australia. [PDF]
Nishit Soni, Anoop M. Namboodiri, C.V. Jawahar, Srikumar Ramalingam - Semantic Classification of Boundaries of an RGBD Image Proceedings of the 26th British Machine Vision Conference, 07-10 Sep 2015, Swansea, UK. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma, C.V. Jawahar - Exploring Locally Rigid Discriminative Patched for Learning Relative Attributes Proceedings of the 26th British Machine Vision Conference, 07-10 Sep 2015, Swansea, UK. [PDF]
Devendra Sahu, C. V. Jawahar - Unsupervised Feature Learning For Optical Character Recognition Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 23-26 Aug 2015 Nancy, France. [PDF]
Ajeet Kumar Singh, C. V. Jawahar - Can RNNs Reliably Separate Script and Language at Word and Line Level Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 23-26 Aug 2015 Nancy, France. [PDF]
Harit Pandya, K. Madhava Krishna and C.V. Jawahar - Servoing across object instances: Visual servoing for object category Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015. [PDF]
Kumar Vishal, Avinash Kumar, Kumar Vishal - Accurate Localization by Fusing Images and GPS Signals Proceedings of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 07-12 June 2015 Bostony, USA. [PDF]
Nagendar G., C. V. Jawahar - Fast Approximate Dynamic Wraping Kernals Proceedings of the 2nd IKDD Conferenc on Data Sciences, 18-21 Mar 2015, Bangalore, India.[PDF]
Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Andrew Zisserman and C.V. Jawahar - Human pose search using deep poselets Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2015. [PDF]
Mohak Sukhwani, C. V. Jawahar - Tennis Vid2Text : Fine-Grained Descriptions for Domain Specific Videos Proceedings of the 26th British Machine Vision Conference, 07-10 Sep 2015, Swansea, UK. [PDF]
Rajat Aggarwal, Sirnam Swetha, Anoop M. Namboodiri, Jayanthi Sivaswamy, C. V. Jawahar - Online Handwriting Recognition using Depth Sensors Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 23-26 Aug 2015 Nancy, France. [PDF]
Nagendar G, C. V. Jawahar - Efficient Word Image Retrieval using Fast DTW Distance Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 23-26 Aug 2015 Nancy, France. [PDF]
Viresh Ranjan, Gaurav Harit, C. V. Jawahar - Document Retrieval with Unlimited Vocabulary Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conferenc on Applications of Computer Vision, 06-09 Jan 2015, Waikoloa Beach, USA. [PDF]
Hiba Ahsan, Vijay Kumar, C. V. Jawahar - Multi-Label Annotation of Music Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition,04-07 Jan 2015, Kolkata, India. [PDF]
Viresh Ranjan, Gaurav Harit, C. V. Jawahar - Domain Adaptation by by Aligning Locality Preserving Subspaces Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition,04-07 Jan 2015, Kolkata, India. [PDF]
Ajeet Kumar Singh and C.V. Jawahar - Can RNNs reliably separate script and language at word and line level? Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2015 13th International Conference on. IEEE, 2015. [PDF]
G Nagendar and C.V. Jawahar - Fast approximate dynamic warping kernels. Proceedings of the Second ACM IKDD Conference on Data Sciences. ACM, 2015. [PDF]
Mohak Sukhwani, Suriya Singh, Anirudh Goyal, Aseem Behl, Pritish Mohapatra, Brijendra Kumar Bharti, C.V. Jawahar - Monocular Vision based Road Marking Recognition for Driver Assistance and Safety Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,16-17 Dec 2014, Hyderabad, India. [PDF]
Pritish Mohapatra, C.V. Jawahar and M. Pawan Kumar - Efficient Optimization for Average Precision SVM Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation,08-13 Dec 2014, Qubec, Canada. [PDF]
Rohit Girdhar, Jayaguru Panda, C. V. Jawahar - Optimizing Storage Intensive Vision Applications to Device Capacity Proceedings of the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision,01-05 Nov 2014, Singapore.[PDF]
Udit Roy, Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari, C.V. Jawahar - Scene Text Recognition and Retrieval for Large Lexicons Proceedings of the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision,01-05 Nov 2014, Singapore. [PDF] [Abstract] [Poster] [Lexicons] [bibtex]
Viresh Ranjan, Gaurav Harit, C.V. Jawahar - Learning Partially Shared Dictionaries for Domain Adaptation Proceedings of the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision,01-05 Nov 2014, Singapore. [PDF]
Kumar Vishal, Romil Bansal, Anoop M. Namboodiri, C.V. Jawahar - Providing Services on Demand By User Action Modeling on Smart Phones Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing,13-17 Sep 2014, Seattle, Washington, USA. [PDF]
Puneet K. Dokania, Aseem Behl, C.V. Jawahar, M. Pawan Kumar - Learning to Rank using High-Order Information Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision,06-12 Sep 2014, Zurich. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma and C.V. Jawahar - Im2Text and Text2Im: Associating Images and Texts for Cross-Modal Retrieval Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, 01-05 Sep 2014, Nottingam, UK. [PDF]
Sanchit Aggarwal, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Estimating Floor Regions in Cluttered Indoor Scenes from First Person Camera View Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [PDF]
Vijay Kumar, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Face Recognition in Videos by Label Propogation Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [PDF]
Vijay Kumar, Harit Pandya and C.V. Jawahar - Identifying Ragas in India Music Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.[PDF]
Viresh Ranjan, Gaurav Harit and C.V. Jawahar - Enhancing World Image Retrieval in Presence of Font Variations Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [PDF]
Suriya Singh, Shushman Choudhury, Kumar Vishal and C.V. Jawahar - Currency Recognition on Mobile Phones Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [PDF]
Nisarg Raval, Rashmi Tonge and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient Evaluation of SVM Classifiers using Drror Space Encoding Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 24-28 Aug 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [PDF]
Ramachandruni N. Sandeep, Yashaswi Verma and C.V. Jawahar - Relative Parts : Distinctive Parts of Learning Relative Attributes Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 23-28 June 2014, Columbus, Ohio, USA. [PDF]
Aseem Behl, C.V. Jawahar and M. Pawan Kumar - Optimizing Average Precision using Weakly Supervised Data Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 23-28 June 2014, Columbus, Ohio, USA. [PDF]
Rashmi Tonge, Subhransu Maji and C.V. Jawahar - Parsing World's Skylines Using Shape-Constrained MRFs Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 23-28 June 2014, Columbus, Ohio, USA. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, V.V. Anurag, S.V. Shah, K. Madhava Krishna and C.V. Jawahar - Reactionless Visual Servoing of a Dual-Arm Space Robot Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 31 May - 7 June 2014, Hong Kong, China. [PDF]
Praveen Krishnan, Naveen Sankaran, Ajeet Kumar Singh and C. V. Jawahar - Towards a Robust OCR System for Indic Scripts Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 7-10 April 2014, Tours-Loire Valley, France. [PDF]
Sandeep, Ramachandruni N, Yashaswi Verma and C.V. Jawahar - Relative parts: Distinctive parts for learning relative attributes Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2014. [PDF]
Digvijay Singh, Ayush Minocha, Nataraj Jammalamadaka and C. V. Jawahar - Real-time Face Detection, Pose Estimation and Landmark Localization Proceedings of the IEEE National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, 18-21 Dec. 2013, Jodhpur, India. [PDF]
Shankar Setty, Moula Husain, Parisa Beham, Jyothi Gudavalli, Menaka Kandasamy, Radehsyam Vaddi, Vidyagouri Hemadri, JC Karure, Raja Raju, B.Rajan, Vijay Kumar and C V Jawahar - Indian Movie Face Database: A Benchmark for Face Recognition Under Wide Variations Proceedings of the IEEE National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, 18-21 Dec. 2013, Jodhpur, India. [PDF]
Chandra Shekar V, Shailesh Kumar and C. V. Jawahar - Image Annotation in Presense of Noisy Lables Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machines Intelligence, 10-14 Dec. 2013, Kolkata, India. [PDF]
Swagatika Panda, A.H. Abdul Hafez and C. V. Jawahar - Learning Semantic Interaction among Graspable Objects Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machines Intelligence, 10-14 Dec. 2013, Kolkata, India. [PDF]
Vidyadhar Rao and C V Jawahar - Semi-Supervised Clustering by Selecting Informative Constraints Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machines Intelligence, 10-14 Dec. 2013, Kolkata, India. [PDF]
Jayaguru Panda, Michael S Brown and C V Jawahar - Offline Mobile Instance Retrieval with a Small Memory Footprint Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-8th Dec.2013, Sydney, Australia. [PDF]
Ankit Gandhi, Karteek Alahari and C V Jawahar - Decomposing Bag of Words Histograms Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-8th Dec.2013, Sydney, Australia. [PDF]
Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari and C V Jawahar - Image Retrieval using Textual Cues Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-8th Dec.2013, Sydney, Australia. [Pdf] [Abstract] [Project page][bibtex]
Vijay Kumar, Anoop M Namboodiri and C V Jawahar - Sparse Representation based Face Recognition with Limited Labeled Samples Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference Pattern Recognition, 05-08 Nov. 2013, Okinawa, Japan. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, Manpreet Singh, K. Madhava Krishna and C V Jawahar - Visual Localization in Highly Crowded Urban Environments Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 03-08 Nov. 2013, Tokyo, Japan. [PDF]
Swagatika Panda, A.H. Abdul Hafez and C V Jawahar - Learning Support Order for Manipulation in Clutter Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 03-08 Nov. 2013, Tokyo, Japan. [PDF]
Jayaguru Panda and C V Jawahar - Efficient and Rich Annotations for Large Photo Collections Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference Pattern Recognition, 05-08 Nov. 2013, Okinawa, Japan. [PDF]
Chandra Shekar V, Shailesh Kumar and C V Jawahar - Compacting Large and Loose Communities Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference Pattern Recognition, 05-08 Nov. 2013, Okinawa, Japan. [PDF]
Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Ayush Minocha, Digvijay Singh and C V Jawahar - Parsing Clothes in Unrestricted Images Proceedings of the 24th British Machine Vision Conference, 09-13 Sep. 2013, Bristol, UK. [PDF]
Yashaswi Varma and C V Jawahar - Exploring SVM for Image Annotation in Presence of Confusing Labels Proceedings of the 24th British Machine Vision Conference, 09-13 Sep. 2013, Bristol, UK. [PDF]
Karthik Desingh, K. Madhava Krishna, Deepu Rajan and C V Jawahar - Depth really Matters : Improving Visual Salient Region Detection with Depth Proceedings of the 24th British Machine Vision Conference, 09-13 Sep. 2013, Bristol, UK. [PDF]
Ankit Gandhi and C V Jawahar - Detection of Cut-And-Paste in Document Images Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 25-28 Aug. 2013, Washington DC, USA. [PDF]
Naveen Sankaran, Aman Neelappa and C V Jawahar - Devanagari Text Recognition: A Transcription Based Formulation Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 25-28 Aug. 2013, Washington DC, USA. [PDF]
Naveen Sankaran and C V Jawahar - Error Detection in Highly Inflectional Languages Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 25-28 Aug. 2013, Washington DC, USA. [PDF]
Praveen Krishnan and C V Jawahar - Bringing Semantics in Word Image Retrieval Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 25-28 Aug. 2013, Washington DC, USA. [PDF]
Udit Roy, Naveen Sankaran, Pramod Sankar K. and C V Jawahar - Character N-Gram Spotting on Handwritten Documents using Weakly-Supervised Segmentation Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 25-28 Aug. 2013, Washington DC, USA. [PDF]
Vijay Kumar, Amit Bansal, Goutam Hari Tulsiyan, Anand Mishra, Anoop M. Namboodiri, C V Jawahar - Sparse Document Image Coding for Restoration Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 25-28 Aug. 2013, Washington DC, USA. [PDF]
Vibhor Goel, Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari, C V Jawahar - Whole is Greater than Sum of Parts: Recognizing Scene Text Words Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 25-28 Aug. 2013, Washington DC, USA. [PDF] [Abstract] [bibtex]
Siddhartha Chandra, Shailesh Kumar and C V Jawahar - Learning Multiple Non-Linear Sub-Spaces using K-RBMs Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 23-28 June. 2013, Oregon, USA. [PDF]
Ravi Shekhar and C.V. Jawahar - Document specific sparse coding for word retrieval Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2013 12th International Conference on. IEEE, 2013. [PDF]
Digvijay Singh, Ayush Minosha, Nataraj Jammalamadaka and C.V. Jawahar - Near real-time face parsing Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2013 Fourth National Conference on. IEEE, 2013. [PDF]
Abhinav Goel, Mayank Juneja and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient Category Mining by Leveraging Instance Retrieval Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2013 [PDF]
Mayank Juneja, Andrea Vedaldi, C.V. Jawahar, and Andrew Zisserman - Blocks that shout: Distinctive parts for scene classification Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2013. [PDF]
Karthik Desingh, K. Madhava Krishna, Deepu Rajan and C.V. Jawahar - Depth really Matters: Improving Visual Salient Region Detection with Depth BMVC. 2013. [PDF]
Rahul Kumar Namdev, K Madhava Krishna and C.V. Jawahar - Multibody vslam with relative scale solution for curvilinear motion reconstruction Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2013. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma, Ankush Gupta, Prashanth Mannem and C.V. Jawahar - Generating image descriptions using semantic similarities in the output space Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2013. [PDF]
Abhinav Goel, Mayank Juneja and C V Jawahar - Are Buildings Only Instances? Exploration in Architectural Style Categories Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 16-19 Dec. 2012, Bombay, India. [PDF]
Deepan Gupta, Vaidehi Chhajer, Anand Mishra, C V Jawahar - A Non-local MRF model for Heritage Architectural Image Completion Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 16-19 Dec. 2012, Bombay, India. [PDF]
Jayaguru Panda, Shashank Sharma, C V Jawahar - Heritate App: Annotating Images on Mobile Phones Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 16-19 Dec. 2012, Bombay, India. [PDF]
Praveen Krishnan, Ravi Sekhar, C V Jawahar - Content Level Access to Digital Library of India Pages Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 16-19 Dec. 2012, Bombay, India. [PDF]
Vinay Garg, Siddhartha Chandra, C V Jawahar - Sparse Discriminative Fisher Vectors in Visual Classification Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 16-19 Dec. 2012, Bombay, India. [PDF]
Yashaswi Verma and C V Jawahar - Neti Neti: In Search of Deity Proceedings of the 8th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 16-19 Dec. 2012, Bombay, India. [PDF]
Shailesh Kumar, Chandrashekar V, C. V. Jawahar - Logical Itemset Mining Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop, 10-13 Dec. 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-5164-5,Brussels, Belgium. [PDF]
Naveen Sankarana, C V Jawahar - Recognition of Printed Devanagari Text Using BLSTM Neural Network Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 11-15 Nov. 2012, pp.322-325Vol. 21 ISBN 978-4-9906441-1-6, Japan. [PDF]
Siddhartha Chandra and C V Jawahar - Partial Least Squares Kernel for Computing Similarities between Video Sequences Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 11-15 Nov. 2012, Vol. 21 ISBN 978-4-9906441-1-6, pp.513-516, Japan. [PDF]
Siddhartha Chandra, Shailesh Kumar, C V Jawahar - Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words using Naive Bayes Clustering The 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 5-9 Nov. 2012, Daejeon, Korea. [PDF]
G Nagendar, Sai Ganesh, Mahesh Goud, C V Jawahar - Action Recognition using Canonical Correlation Kernels The 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 5-9 Nov. 2012, Daejeon, Korea. [PDF]
Nisarg Raval, Rashmi Tonge, C V Jawahar - Image Retrieval using Eigen Queries The 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 5-9 Nov. 2012, Daejeon, Korea. [PDF]
Yashaswi Varma and C V Jawahar - Image Annotation using Metric Learning in Semantic Neighbourhoods Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, 7-13 Oct. 2012, Print ISBN 978-3-642-33711--6, Vol. ECCV 2012, Part-III, LNCS 7574, pp. 114-128, Firenze, Italy. [PDF]
Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari and C V Jawahar - Scene Text Recognition using Higher Order Language Priors Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, 3-7 Sep. 2012, Guildford, UK. [PDF] [Abstract] [Slides] [bibtex]
Ankush Gupta, Yashaswi Verma and C.V. Jawahar - Choosing Linguistics over Vision to Describe Images AAAI. 2012. [PDF]
Omkar M Parkhi, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman and C V Jawahar - Cats and Dogs Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 16-21 June 2012, Providence RI, USA. [PDF]
Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari and C V Jawahar - Top-down and Bottom-up Cues for Scene Text Recognition Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 16-21 June 2012, pp. 2287-2294, Providence RI, USA. [PDF] [Abstract] [Poster] [bibtex]
Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Andrew Zisserman, Marcin Eichner, Vittorio Ferrari and C V Jawahar - Video Retrieval by Mimicking Poses Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 5-8 June 2012, Article No.34, ISBN 978-1-4503-1329-2, Hong Kong. [PDF]
Rahul Kumar Namdev, Abhijit Kundu, K Madhava Krishna and C.V. Jawahar - Motion segmentation of multiple objects from a freely moving monocular camera Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2012. [PDF]
Ravi Sekhar and C V Jawahar - Word Image Retrieval Using Bag of Visual words Proceedings of 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 27-29 Mar. 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0868-7, pp. 297-301, Queensland, Australia. [PDF] [Poster] [bibtex]
Shrey Dutta, Naveen Sankaran, Pramod Sankar K and C V Jawahar - Robust Recognition of Degraded Documents Using Character N-Grams Proceedings of 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 27-29 Mar. 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0868-7, pp. 130-134, Queensland, Australia. [PDF]
Jayaguru Panda, Shashank Sharma and C.V. Jawahar - Heritage app: annotating images on mobile phones Proceedings of the Eighth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing. ACM, 2012. [PDF]
Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Andrew Zisserman, Marcin Eichner, Vittorio Ferrari and C V Jawahar - Has My Algorithm Succeeded? An Evaluator for Human Pose Estimators Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, 7-13 Oct. 2012, Print ISBN 978-3-642-33711--6, Vol. ECCV 2012, Part-III, LNCS 7574, pp. 114-128, Firenze, Italy. [PDF]
Anand Mishra, Naveen Sankaran, Viresh Ranjan and C.V. Jawahar - Automatic localization and correction of line segmentation errors Proceeding of the workshop on Document Analysis and Recognition. ACM, 2012. [PDF]
Kumar Srijan and C.V. Jawahar - Towards exhaustive pairwise matching in large image collections European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. [PDF]
Abhinav Goel and C.V. Jawahar - Whose Album is this? Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, ISBN 978-0-7695-4599-8, pp.82-85 15-17 Dec. 2011, Hubli, India. [PDF]
Devendra Sachan, Shrey Dutta, Naveen T S and C.V. Jawahar - Segmentation of Degraded Malayalam Words:Methods and Evaluation Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, ISBN 978-0-7695-4599-8, pp.70-73 15-17 Dec. 2011, Hubli, India. [PDF]
Vinay Garg, Sreekanth Vempati and C.V. Jawahar - Bag of visual words: A soft clustering based exposition Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, ISBN 978-0-7695-4599-8, pp.37-40 15-17 Dec. 2011, Hubli, India. [PDF]
Rahul Jain, Pramod Sankar K and C.V. Jawahar - Interpolation Based Tracking for Fast Object Detection in Videos Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, ISBN 978-0-7695-4599-8, pp.102-105 15-17 Dec. 2011, Hubli, India. [PDF]
Niraj Kumar, Piyush Rai, Chandrika Pulla and C.V. Jawahar - Video Scene Segmentation with a Semantic Similarity Proceedings of 5th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI 2011),14-16 December, 2011, Bangalore, India. [PDF]
Nisarg Raval, Madhuchand Rushi Pillutla, Piysuh Bansal, Kannan Srinathan and C.V. Jawahar - Privacy preserving outlier detection using locality sensitive hashing Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on. IEEE, 2011. [PDF]
Kevin McGuinness, Robin Aly, Shu Chen, Roeland Ordelman and C.V. Jawahar - AXES at TRECVid 2011 (2011). [PDF]
Omkar M. Parkhi, Andrea Vedaldi, C.V. Jawahar and Andrew Zisserman - The Truth about Cats and Dogs Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2011)06-13 Nov. 2011, ISBN. 978-1-14577-1101-5, pp. 1427-1434, Barcelona, Spain. [PDF]
Abhijit Kundu, K Madhava Krishna and C.V. Jawahar - Realtime multibody visual SLAM with a smoothly moving monocular camera Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011. [PDF]
Madhuchand Rushi Pillutla, Nisarg Raval, Piyush Bansal, Kannan Srinathan and C.V. Jawahar - LSH base outlier detection and its application in distributed setting Proceedings of 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2011), pp.2289-2292, 24-28 Oct. 2011, Glasgow, United Kingdom. [PDF]
Dheeraj Mundhra, Anand Mishra and C.V. Jawahar - Automatic Localization of Page Segmentation Errors Proceedings of Joint Workshop on Multilingual OCR and Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data (J-MOCR-AND),17 September, 2011, Beijing, China. [PDF]
Sudha Praveen M., Pramod Sankar K., and C.V. Jawahar - Character n-Gram Spotting in Document Images Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011),18-21 September, 2011, Beijing, China. [PDF]
Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari and C.V. Jawahar - An MRF Model for Binarization of Natural Scene Text Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011),18-21 September, 2011, Beijing, China. [PDF] [Abstract] [Slides] [bibtex]
Raman Jain, Volkmar Frinken, C. V. Jawahar and R. Manmatha - BLSTM Neural Network based Word Retrieval for Hindi Documents Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011),18-21 September, 2011, Beijing, China. [PDF]
Deepak Arya, Tushar Patnaik, Santanu Chaudhury, C.V. Jawahar, B.B.Chaudhuri, A.G.Ramakrishna, Chakravorty Bhagvati and G. S. Lehal - Experiences of integration and performance testing of multilingual OCR for printed Indian scripts Proceedings of the 2011 joint workshop on multilingual OCR and analytics for noisy unstructured text data. ACM, 2011. [PDF]
Supreeth Achar, C.V. Jawahar and K. Madhava Krishna - Large Scale Visual Localization in Urban Environments Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011), 09-13 May, 2011, Shanghai, China. [PDF]
Venkat Rasagna, Jinesh K.J. and C.V. Jawahar - On Multifond Character Classification in Telugu Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems for Indian Languages (ICISIL 2011),09-11 March, 2011, Punjab, India. [PDF]
Abhijit Kundu, K. Madhava Krishna and C. V. Jawahar - Realtime Motion Segmentation based Multibody Visual SLAM Proceedings of Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'10),12-15 Dec. 2010,Chennai, India. [PDF]
Rahul Jain, Sudha Praveen M., Pramod Sankar K., C.V. Jawahar - An Indexing Approach for Speeding-Up Image Classification Proceedings of Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'10),12-15 Dec. 2010,Chennai, India. [PDF]
Mihir Jain and C.V. Jawahar - Characteristic Pattern Discovery in Videos Proceedings of Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'10),12-15 Dec. 2010,Chennai, India. [PDF]
Karthika Mohan, K.J. Jinesh and C.V. Jawahar - Towards Recognition of Degraded Words by Probabilistic Parsing Proceedings of Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'10),12-15 Dec. 2010,Chennai, India. [PDF]
Abhijit Kundu, C.V. Jawahar and K Madhava Krishna - Realtime moving object detection from a freely moving monocular camera Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2010. [PDF]
Visesh Chari and C.V. Jawahar - Multiple plane tracking using unscented kalman filter Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2010. [PDF]
Chetan J, K Madhava Krishna and C.V. Jawahar - An adaptive outdoor terrain classification methodology using monocular camera. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2010. [PDF]
Kumar Srijan, Syed Ahsan Ishtiaque, Sudipta N. Sinha and C.V. Jawahar - Image-based walkthroughs from Incremental and Partial Scene Reconstructions Proceedings of 21st British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'10),31 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2010, Aberystwyth, UK. [PDF]
Chandrika Pulla and C.V. Jawahar - Tripartite Graph Models for Multi Modal Image Retrieval Proceedings of 21st British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'10),31 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2010, Aberystwyth, UK. [PDF]
Sreekanth Vempati, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman and C.V. Jawahar - Generalized RBF Feature Maps for Efficient Detection Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'10),31 Aug. - 3 Sep. 2010, Aberystwyth, UK. [PDF]
Chetan J, Madhava Krishna and C. V. Jawahar - Fast and Spatially-smooth Terrain Classification using Monocular Camera Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'10),23-26 Aug. 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. [PDF]
Chandrika Pulla, Suman Karthik and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'10),23-26 Aug. 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. [PDF]
Pulla Chandrika and C.V. Jawahar - Multi Modal Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval(CIVR'10), pp.342-349, 5-7 July, 2010, Xi'an, China. [PDF]
Pramod Kompalli, C.V.Jawahar and R. Manmatha - Nearest Neighbor based Collection OCR Proceedings of Ninth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'10), pp. 207-214, 9-11 June, 2010, Boston, MA, USA. [PDF]
Karthika Mohan and C. V. Jawahar - A Post-Processing Scheme for Malayalam using Statistical Sub-character Language Models Proceedings of Ninth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'10), pp.493-500, 9-11 June, 2010, Boston, MA, USA. [PDF]
Raman Jain and C. V. Jawahar - Towards More Effective Distance Functions for Word Image Matching Proceedings of Ninth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'10), pp.363-370, 9-11 June, 2010, Boston, MA, USA. [PDF]
Maneesh Upmanyu, Anoop M. Namboodiri, Kannan Srinathan and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient privacy preserving k-means clustering. Pacific-Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. [PDF]
Mayank Juneja, Siddhartha Chandra, Omkar M. Parkhi, and C.V. Jawahar - Oxford-IIIT TRECVID 2010-Notebook paper TRECVID. 2010. [PDF]
Pradhee Tandon and C. V. Jawahar - A Bayesian Approach to Hybrid Image Retrieval Proceedings of Third International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI'09), 16-20 December, 2009, Kolkatta, India. [PDF]
Pramod Sankar K, C. V. Jawahar and Andrew Zisserman - Subtitle-free Movie to Script Alignment Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 09), 7-10 September, 2009, London, UK. [PDF]
Visesh Chari, Anil Nelakanti, Chetan Jakkoju and C. V. Jawahar - Planar Scene Modeling from Quasiconvex Subproblems Proceedings of the Ninth Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV 09), 23-27 September, 2009, Xi'an, China. [PDF]
Maneesh Upmanyu, Anoop M Namboodiri, Kannan Srinathan and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient privacy preserving video surveillance Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. IEEE, 2009. [PDF]
Gaurav Harit, K. J. Jinesh, Ritu Garg, C. V. Jawahar and Santanu Chaudhury - Managing Multilingual OCR Project using XML Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR 09), 26-29 July, 2009, Barcelona, Spain. [PDF]
Venkata Rasagna, Anand Kumar, C.V. Jawahar and R. Manmatha - Robust Recognition of Documents by Fusing Results of Word Clusters Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR 09), 26-29 July, 2009, Barcelona, Spain. [PDF]
Mihir Jain, Sreekanth Vempati, Chandrika Pulla and C.V. Jawahar - Example Based Video Filters Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR 2009), July . 8-10, 2009, Santorini, Greece. [PDF]
Suman Karthik, Chandrika Pulla and C.V. Jawahar - Incremental Online Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval in Dynamic Databases Proceedings of International Workshop on Semantic Learning Applications in Multimedia (SLAM: CVPR 2009), 20-25 June 2009, Miami, Florida, USA. [PDF]
Jyotirmoy Banerjee, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Contextual Restoration of Severely Degraded Document Images Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR 09), 20-25 June, 2009, Miami Beach, Florida, USA. [PDF]
Maneesh Upmanyu, Anoop M. Namboodiri, K. Srinathan and C. V. Jawahar - Efficient Biometric Verification in Encrypted Domain Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2009), pp. 899-908, June . 2-5, 2009, Alghero, Italy. [PDF]
Neeba N.V., and C. V. Jawahar - Empirical Evaluation of Character Classification Schemes Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR 2009), Feb . 4-6, 2009, Kolkotta, India. [PDF]
Pradhee Tandon and C. V. Jawahar - Long Term Learning for Content Extraction in Image Retrieval Proceedings of the 15th National Conference on Communications (NCC 2009), Jan. 16-18, 2009, Guwahati, India. [PDF]
Dileep Vaka, P. J. Narayanan and C. V. Jawahar - Attention-Based Super Resolution from Videos IEEE Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 406-412, 16-19 Dec,2008, Bhubaneswar, India. [PDF]
C. Narsimha Raju, Gangula Umadevi, Kannan Srinathan and C. V. Jawahar - Fast and Secure Real-Time Video Encryption IEEE Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 257-264, 16-19 Dec,2008, Bhubaneswar, India. [PDF]
Visesh Chari, Avinash Sharma, Anoop M Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Frequency Domain Visual Servoing using Planar Contours IEEE Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 87-94, 16-19 Dec,2008, Bhubaneswar, India. [PDF]
Supreeth Achar and C. V. Jawahar - Adaptation and Learning for Image Based Navigation IEEE Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 103-110, 16-19 Dec,2008, Bhubaneswar, India. [PDF]
Praveen Dasigi, Raman Jain and C.V. Jawahar - Document Image Segmentation as a Spectral Partitioning Problem IEEE Sixth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 305-312, 16-19 Dec,2008, Bhubaneswar, India. [PDF]
Ilayaraja Prabhakaran, Neeba N.V., and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient Implementation of SVM for Large Class Problems Proc. of the 19th International Conferenc eon Pattern Recognition(ICPR 08), Dec. 8-11,2008, Florida, USA. [PDF]
Neeba N.V., and C. V. Jawahar - Recognition of Books by Verification and Retraining Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR 08), Dec. 8-11,2008, Florida, USA. [PDF]
C. Narsimha Raju, UmaDevi Ganugula, Srinathan Kannan and C.V. Jawahar - A Novel Video Encryption Technique Based on Secret Sharing Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP),Oct 12-15, 2008,San Diego, USA. [PDF]
Jyotirmoy Banerjee, and C.V. Jawahar - Super-resolution of Text Images Using Edge-Directed Tangent Field in Eighth IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Sep 17-19, 2008, Nara, Japan. [PDF] [Received Honorable Mentions AWARD]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, hivudu Bhuvanagiri, K Madhava Krishna and C.V. Jawahar - On-line convex optimization based solution for mapping in VSLAM Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008. IROS 2008. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2008. [PDF]
Pradhee Tandon, Piyush Nigam, Vikram Pudi, C. V. Jawahar - FISH: A Practical System for Fast Interactive Image Search in Huge Databases Proceedings of 7th ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR '08), July 7-9, 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada. [PDF]
Shashank J, Kowshik P, Kannan Srinathan and C.V. Jawahar - Private Content Based Image Retrieval Proceedings of IEEE computer society conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2008, Egan Convention Center, Anchorage, Alaska, June 24-26, 2008. [PDF]
D. Santosh, Supreeth Achar, C.V. Jawahar - Autonomous Image-based Exploration for Mobile Robot Navigation Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'2008). May 19th-23rd 2008, Pasadena California. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, Supreeth Achar, and C. V. Jawahar - Visual Servoing based on Gaussian Mixture Models Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'2008). May 19th-23rd 2008, Pasadena Californi. [PDF]
A. H. Abdul Hafez and C.V. Jawahar - Real Time L∞-based Solution to Multi-view Problems with Application to Visual Servoing Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008. 3rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2008. [PDF]
A.H. Aabdul Hafez, Enric Cervera and C.V. Jawahar - Hybrid visual servoing by boosting IBVS and PBVS Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008. 3rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2008. [PDF]
Himanshu Arora, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C. V. Jawahar - Robust Image Registration with Illumination Blur and Noice Variations for Super_Resolution IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008),Mar 30-April 4, Las Vegas, USA. [PDF]
Himanshu Arora, Anoop M. Namboodirinoop and C.V. Jawahar - Robust image registration with illumination, blur and noise variations for super-resolution Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2008. [PDF]
James Philbin, Mihir Jain, Sreekanth Vempati, Pramod Sankar and C.V. Jawahar -Oxford/IIIT TRECVID 2008-Notebook paper TRECVID. 2008. [PDF]
Visesh Chari, C. V. Jawahar, P. J. Narayanan - Video Completion as Noise Removal Proceedings of National Conference on Communications (NCC'08), Feb 1-3, 2008, IIT Mumbai, India. [PDF]
Praveen Dasigi and C.V. Jawahar - Retrieval from Image Datasets with Repetitive Structures Proceedings of National Conference on Communications (NCC-2008), IIT Bombay, Feb 2008. [PDF]
C. Narsimha Raju, Kannan Srinathan and C. V. Jawahar - A Real-Time Video Encryption Exploiting the Distribution of the DCT coefficients IEEE TENCON, November 18-21,2008, Hyderabad, India. [PDF]
Jyotirmoy Banerjee, and C. V. Jawahar - Restoration of Document Images Using Bayesian Inference in National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), Jan 11-13, 2008, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. [PDF]
Tarun Jain and C. V. Jawahar - Compressed Domain Techniques to Support Information Retrieval Applications for Broadcast Videos Proceedings of National Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG'08), pp.154-159, Jan 11-13, 2008, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India. [PDF]
Praveen Dasigi and C. V. Jawahar - Efficient Graph-based Image matching for Recognition and Retrieval Proceedings of National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG-2008), Gandhinagar, jan 2008. [PDF]
Million Meshesha and C.V. Jawahar - Self Adaptable Recognizer for Document Image Collections Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Pattern Recognition Machine Learning (PReMI'2007), pp. 560-567, 18-22 Dec, 2007, Kolkata. [PDF]
Anand Kumar, C.V. Jawahar & R. Manmatha - Efficient Search in Document Image Collections Proceedings of 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'07),Part I, LNCS 4843, pp. 586.595 Tokyo Japan, 18-22 November, 2007. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, Anil Kumar Nelakanti and C.V. Jawahar - Path Planning Approach to Visual Servoing with Feature Visibility Constraints : A Convex Optimization based Solution Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 1981-1986, San Diego, USA, 29th Oct to 2nd Nov, 2007. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, Anil Kumar Nelakanti and C.V. Jawahar - Path planning approach to visual servoing with feature visibility constraints: a convex optimization based solution Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2007. IROS 2007. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2007. [PDF]
Anoop M. Namboodiri, P. J. Narayanan and C. V. Jawahar - On Using Classical Poetry Structure for Indian Language Post-Processing Proc of 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Brazil, 23-26 September, 2007. [PDF]
K.S. Sesh Kumar, Sukesh Kumar and C.V. Jawahar - On Segmentation of Documents in Complex Scripts Proc of 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Brazil, 23-26 September, 2007. [PDF]
C.V. Jawahar and Anand Kumar - Content-level Annotation of Large Collection of Printed Document Images Proc of 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Brazil, 23-26 September, 2007. [PDF]
Pramod Sankar K and C.V. Jawahar - Probabilistic Reverse Annotation for Large Scale Image Retrieval Proc of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,Minneapolis, Minnesona, 18-23 June, 2007. [PDF]
Tarun Jain, Sairam Kunala, Ravikishore Kandala and C.V. Jawahar - A System for Information Retrieval Applications on Broadcast News Videos Proceeding of the International Symposium on Data Information and Knowledge Spectrum (ISDIKS 07)13-15 Dec, 2007, Kochi. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, Enric Cervera and C.V. Jawahar - Optimizing Image and Camera Trajectories in Robot Vision Control using On-line Boosting Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,pp. 352-357, San Diego, USA, 29th October to 2nd January, 2007. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez, Visesh Chari and C.V. Jawahar - Combining Texture and Edge Planar Tracker based on a local Quality Metric Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA'07), Roma, Italy, 2007. [ PDF ]
A.H. Abdul Hafez and C.V. Jawahar - Visual Servoing by Optimization of a 2D/3D Hybrid Objective Function Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA'07), Roma, Italy, 2007. [PDF]
D. Santohs and C.V. Jawahar - Visual Servoing in Non-Regid Environment: A Space-Time Approach Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA'07), Roma, Italy, 2007. [PDF]
Avinash Kumar, Narendra Ahuja, John M. Hart, U.K.Visesh, P.J. Narayanan and C.V. Jawahar - A Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision(WACV 2007), Austin, Texas, USA, 2007. [PDF]
Ranjeeth Kumar and C.V. Jawahar - Kernel Approach to Autoregressive Modeling Proc. of The Thirteen National Conference on Communications(NCC 2007), Kanpur, 2007 . [PDF]
Himanshu Arora, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Accurate Image Registration from Local Phase Information Proc. of The Thirteen National Conference on Communications(NCC 2007), Kanpur, 2007. [PDF]
Pulkit Parikh and C.V. Jawahar - Enhanced Video Mosaicing using Camera Motion Properties Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing(WMVC 2007), Austin, Texas, USA, 2007. [PDF]
Ranjeeth Kumar and C.V. Jawahar - Class-Specific Kernel Selection for Verification Problems Proc. of The Six International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition(ICAPR 2007), Kolkatta, 2007. [PDF]
Tejo krishna Chalasani, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C. V. Jawahar - Support Vector Machine based Hierachical Classifieds for Large Class Problems Proc. of The Six International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition(ICAPR 2007), Kolkatta, 2007. [PDF]
Nataraj Jammalmadaka, Vikram Pudi and C. V. Jawahar - Efficient Search with Changing Similarity Measures on Large Multimedia Datasets Proc. of The International Multimedia Modelling Conference(MMM2007), LNCS 4352, Part-II, PP. 206-215, 2007. [PDF]
Vandana Roy and C. V. Jawahar - Modeling Time-Varying Population for Biometric Authentication In International Conference on computing: Theory and Applications(ICCTA), Kolkatta, 2007. [PDF]
Vamshi Ambati, N.Balakrishnan, Raj Reddy, Lakshmi Pratha and C. V. Jawahar - The Digital Library of India Project: Process, Policies and Architecture, International Conference on Digital Libraries(ICDL'06), New Delhi, 5-8 December, 2006. [PDF]
A. Balasubramanian and C.V. Jawahar - Textual Search in Graphics Stream of PDF, International Conference on Digital Libraries(ICDL'06), New Delhi, 5-8 December, 2006. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez and C. V. Jawahar - Probabilistic Integration of 2D and 3D Cues for Visual Servoing, 9th International Conference on Control,Automation,Robotics and Vision(ICARCV'06), Singapore, 5-8 December, 2006. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez and C. V. Jawahar - Improvement to the Minimization of Hybrid Error Functions for Pose Alignment, 9th International Conference on Control,Automation,Robotics and Vision(ICARCV'06), Singapore, 5-8 December, 2006. [PDF]
D. Santosh Kumar and C.V. Jawahar - Robust homography-based control for camera positioning in piecewise planar environments ICVGIP. 2006. [PDF]
Anand Kumar, A. Balasubramanian, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar - Model-Based Annotation of Online Handwritten Datasets, International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition(IWFHR'06), October 23-26, 2006, La Baule, Centre de Congreee Atlantia, France. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafez and C. V. Jawahar - Integration Framework for Improved Visual Servoing in Image and Cartesian Spaces, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS'06), Beijing, China,October 9-15, 2006. [PDF]
Suman Karthik and C.V. Jawahar - Discriminative Relevance Feedback With Virtual Textual Representation for Efficient Image Retrieval The 3rd International Conference on Visual Information ENgineering 26-28 September 2006 in Bangalore, India. [PDF]
S. Manikandan, Ranjeeth Kumar and C.V. Jawahar - Tensorial Factorization Methods for Manipulation of Face Videos, The 3rd International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 26-28 September 2006 in Bangalore, India. [PDF]
Pulkit Parikh and C.V. Jawahar - Motion constraints For Video Mosaicing, The 3rd International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 26-28 September 2006 in Bangalore, India. [PDF]
D. Santosh Kumar and C.V. Jawahar - Visual Servoing in Presence of Non-Rigid Motion, Proc. 18th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR'06), Hong Kong, Aug 2006. [PDF]
Karteek Alahari, Satya Lahari Putrevu and C.V. Jawahar - Learning Mixtures of Offline and Online Features for Handwritten Stroke Recognition, Proc. 18th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR'06), Hong Kong, Aug 2006, Vol. III, pp.379-382. [PDF]
Suman Karthik and C.V. Jawahar - Efficient region based indexing and retrieval for images with elastic bucket tries Pattern Recognition, 2006. ICPR 2006. 18th International Conference on. Vol. 4. IEEE, 2006. [PDF]
Paresh Kumar Jain and C.V. Jawahar - Homography Estimation from Planar Contours, Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission North Carolina, Chappel Hill, June 14-16, 2006. [PDF]
Siva Chandra and Jayanthi Sivaswamy - An Analysis of Curvature based Ridge and Valley Detection Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing(ICASSP), Toulouse, Vol.2, pp.737-740, 2006. [PDF]
Karteek Alahari and C.V. Jawahar - Dynamic Events as Mixtures of Spatial and Temporal Features, 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.540-551, 2006. [PDF]
Karteek Alahari and C.V. Jawahar - Discriminative Actions for Recognising Events, 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.552-563, 2006. [PDF]
Ranjeeth Kumar, S. Manikandan and C. V. Jawahar - Task Specific Factors for Video Characterization, 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.376-387, 2006. [PDF]
Pramod Sankar K. and C.V. Jawahar - Enabling Search over Large Collections of Telugu Document Images-An Automatic Annotation Based Approach , 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.837-848, 2006. [PDF]
Pramod Sankar K., Saurabh Pandey and C. V. Jawahar - Text Driven Temporal Segmentation of Cricket Videos , 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.433-444, 2006. [PDF]
Paresh K. Jain, Kartik Rao P. and C. V. Jawahar - Computing Eigen Space from Limited Number of Views for Recognition, 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.662-673, 2006. [PDF]
D. Santosh Kumar and C.V. Jawahar - Robust Homography-Based Control for Camera Positioning in Piecewise Planar Environment , 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India, LNCS 4338 pp.906-918, 2006. [PDF]
K.S.Sesh Kumar, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C. V. Jawahar - Learning Segmentation of Documents with Complex Scripts, 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai, India LNCS 4338 pp.749-760, 2006. [PDF]
Pramod Sankar K., Million Meshesha and C. V. Jawahar - Annotation of Images and videos based on Textual Content without OCR, Workshop on Computation Intensive Methods for Computer Vision(in conjuction with ECCV 2006), 2006. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar and A. Balasubramanian - Synthesis of Online Handwriting in Indian Languages, International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition(IWFHR'06), October 23-26, 2006, La Baule, Centre de Congree Atlantia, France. [PDF]
A.H. Abdul Hafex and C.V. Jawahar - Target Model Estimation Using Particle Filters for Visual Servoing, Proc. 18th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR'06), Hong Kong, Aug 2006. [PDF]
A. Balasubramanian, Million Meshesha and C. V. Jawahar - Retrieval from Document Image Collections, Proceedings of Seventh IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 2006 (LNCS 3872), pp 1-12. [PDF]
Sachin Rawat, K. S. Sesh Kumar, Million Meshesha, Indineel Deb Sikdar, A. Balasubramanian and C. V. Jawahar - A Semi-Automatic Adaptive OCR for Digital Libraries, Proceedings of Seventh IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 2006 (LNCS 3872), pp 13-24. [PDF]
Pramod Sankar K, Vamshi Ambati, Lakshmi Hari and C. V. Jawahar, - Digitizing A Million Books: Challenges for Document Analysis, Proceedings of Seventh IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 2006 (LNCS 3872), pp 425-436. [PDF]
Vandana Roy and C. V. Jawahar, - Hand-Geometry Based Person Authentication Using Incremental Biased Discriminant Analysis, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communication(NCC 2006), Jan 2006 Delhi, January 2006, pp 261-265. [PDF]
P. Suman Karthik and C.V. Jawahar - Analysis of relevance feedback in content based image retrieval Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006. ICARCV'06. 9th International Conference on. IEEE, 2006. [PDF]
Vandana Roy and C. V. Jawahar, - Feature Selection for Hand-Geometry based Person Authentication, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, Coimbatore, December 2005. [PDF]
A H Abdul Hafez, Piyush Janawadkar and C. V. Jawahar, - Robust Visual Servoing Based on Novel View Prediction , Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Singapore, December 2005. [PDF]
L. Jagannathan and C. V. Jawahar, Crosslingual Access of Textual Information using Camera Phones , Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognition and Recognition December 2005. [PDF]
M. N. S. S. K. Pavan Kumar and C. V. Jawahar, Design of Hierarchical Classifier with Hybrid Architectures, Proceedings of First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence(PReMI 2005) Kolkata, India. December 2005, pp 276-279. [PDF]
K. Sesh Kumar, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C. V. Jawahar - Learning to Segment Document Images, Proceedings of First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence(PReMI 2005) Kolkata, India. December 2005, pp 471-476. [PDF]
Vamshi Ambati, Pramod Sankar, Lakshmi Pratha and C. V. Jawahar - Quality Management in Digital Libraries , Proceedings of the International Conference on Universal Digital Libraries, Oct. 2005. pp 314-321. [PDF]
L. Jagannathan and C. V. Jawahar, Perspective Correction Methods for Camera-Based Document Analysis, Proceedings of First International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition, Aug 2005, Seoul, Korea. pp 148-154. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar, Balakrishna Chennupati, Balamanohar Paluri and Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Video Retrieval Based on Textual Queries , Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, Coimbatore, December 2005. [PDF]
Karteek Alahari, Satya Lahari P and C. V. Jawahar - Discriminant Substrokes for Online Handwriting Recognition, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR), Seoul, Korea 2005, Vol 1, pp 499-503. [PDF]
Million Meshesha and C. V. Jawahar - Recognition of Printed Amharic Documents, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR), Seoul, Korea 2005, Vol 1, pp 784-788. [PDF]
M. N. S. S. K. Pavan Kumar and C. V. Jawahar, Configurable Hybrid Architectures for Character Recognition Applications, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR), Seoul, Korea 2005, Vol 1, pp 1199-1203. [PDF]
S. S. Ravi Kiran, Karteek Alahari and C. V. Jawahar, Recognizing Human Activities from Constituent Actions, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communications (NCC), Jan. 2005, Kharagpur, India, pp. 351-355. [PDF]
M. Pawan Kumar, Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Planar Homography from Fourier Domain Representation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications(SPCOM), Dec. 2004, Bangalore, India. [PDF]
M. Pawan Kumar, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan, Geometric Structure Computation from Conics, Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing(ICVGIP), Dec. 2004, Calcutta, India, pp. 9-14. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar, Million Meshesha and A. Balasubramanian, Searching in Document Images, Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing(ICVGIP), Dec. 2004, Calcutta, India, pp. 622--627. [PDF]
M. Pawan Kumar, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan, Building Blocks for Autonomous Navigation using Contour Correspondences, Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP), Oct. 2004, Singapore, pp. 1381-1384. [PDF]
A. Bhaskarbhatla, S. Madhavanath, M. Pavan Kumar, A. Balasubramanian, and C. V. Jawahar - Representation and Annotation of Online Handwritten Data, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition(IWFHR), Oct. 2004, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 136--141. [PDF]
Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Constraints on Coplanar Moving Points, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) LNCS 3024, May 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 168--179. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar, A. Balasubramanian and Million Meshesha, Word-Level Access to Document Image Datasets, Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing(WCVGIP), Feb. 2004, Gwalior, India, pp. 73--76. [PDF]
Karteek Alahari, Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Geometric and Stochastic Error Minimisation in Motion Tracking, Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Jan. 2004, Jeju City, Korea, Vol. 1, pp. 258--263. [PDF]
Ranjith Kumar, Vamsi Chaitanya and C. V. Jawahar - A Novel Approach to Script Separation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition(ICAPR), Dec. 2003, Calcutta, India, pp. 289--292. [PDF]
MNSSK Pavan Kumar and C. V. Jawahar - On Improving Design of Multiclass Classifiers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition(ICAPR), Dec. 2003, Calcutta, India, pp. 109--112. [PDF]
Chaitanya Kamisetty and C. V. Jawahar, - Multiview Image Compression using Algebraic Constraints, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Conference on Convergent Technologies(TENCON), Oct. 2003, Bangalore, India, pp. 927--931. [PDF]
Dhaval Mehta, E.S.V.N.L.S.Diwakar, and C. V. Jawahar, A Rule-based Approach to Image Retrieval, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Conference on Convergent Technologies(TENCON), Oct. 2003, Bangalore, India, pp. 586--590. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar, MNSSK Pavan Kumar and S. S. Ravikiran - A Bilingual OCR system for Hindi-Telugu Documents and its Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR) Aug. 2003, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 408--413. [PDF]
MNSSK Pavan Kumar, SS Ravi Kiran and C.V. Jawahar - A bilingual OCR for Hindi-Telugu documents and its applications Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003. Proceedings. Seventh International Conference on. IEEE, 2003. [PDF]
Mudit Agrawal, M. N. S. S. K. Pavan Kumar, C. V. Jawahar - Indexing and Retrieval of Devanagari Text from Printed Documents, Proceedings of the National Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(NCDAR), Jul. 2003, Mandya, India, pp. 244--251. [PDF]
MNSSK Pavan Kumar, S. S. Ravikiran, Abhishek Nayani, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Tools for Developing OCRs for Indian Scripts, Proceedings of the Workshop on Document Image Analysis and Retrieval(DIAR:CVPR'03), Jun. 2003, Madison, WI. [PDF]
Sujit Kuthirummal, C.V. Jawahar and P.J. Narayanan - Algebraic Constraints on Moving Points in Multiple Views, Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing(ICVGIP), Dec. 2002, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 311--316. [PDF]
M. Pawan Kumar, Saurabh Goyal, C.V. Jawahar, and P.J. Narayanan - Polygonal Approximation of Closed Curves Across Multiple Views, Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing(ICVGIP), Dec. 2002, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 317--322. [PDF]
Sujit Kuthirummal, C.V. Jawahar and P.J. Narayanan - Multiview Constraints for Recognition of Planar Curves in Fourier Domain, Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing(ICVGIP), Dec. 2002, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 323--328. [PDF]
Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan, Video Frame Alignment in Multiple Views, Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP), Sep. 2002, Rochester, NY, Vol. 3, pp. 357--360. [PDF]
Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan, Planar Shape Recognition across Multiple Views, Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR), Aug. 2002, Quebec City, Canada, pp. 482--488. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - Towards Fuzzy Calibration, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems; Advances in Soft Computing - AFSS 2002 : LNCS 2275, ISBN: 3-540-43150-0, Feb. 2002, Calcutta, India, pp. 401--407. [PDF]
Sujit Kuthirummal, C. V. Jawahar and P.J. Narayanan - Frame Alignment using Multi View Constraints, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communications (NCC), Jan. 2002, Mumbai, India, pp. 523--527. [PDF]
C. V. Jawahar and P. J. Narayanan - A Multifeature Correspondence Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming, Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Jan. 2002, Melbourne, Australia. [PDF]
Vishwanatha Kaushik and C. V. Jawahar, Detection of Devanagari Text in Digital Images using Connected Component Analysis, Proceedings of the National Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(NCDAR), Jul. 2001, Mandya, India, pp. 41--48. [PDF]
Pranav Reddy and C. V. Jawahar, The Role of Online and Offline Features in the Development of a Handwritten Signature Verification System, Proceedings of the National Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(NCDAR), Jul. 2001, Mandya, India, pp. 85--94. [PDF]
Arxiv and Technical Report
Praveen Krishnan and C.V.Jawahar - Generating Synthetic Data for Text Recognition arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.04224 (2016). [PDF]
Pritish Mohapatra, Michal Rolı́nek, C.V.Jawahar, Vladimir Kolmogorov and M. Pawan Kumar - Efficient Optimization for Rank-based Loss Functions arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.08269 (2016). [PDF]
Mohak Sukhwani and C.V.Jawahar - TennisVid2Text: Fine-grained Descriptions for Domain Specific Videos arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.08522 (2015). [PDF]
Vidyadhar Rao, Prateek Jain and C.V.Jawahar - Diverse Yet Efficient Retrieval using Hash Functions arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.06553 (2015). [PDF]