CVIT News & Updates

  1. IIIT-H is happy to announce the commencement of the 8th episode of its Summer School Series, an exciting opportunity for those interested in diving into the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. The 6th summer school will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at equipping participants with the relevant advances in the critical and fast developing area of artificial intelligence.
  2. 3D Vision Summer School 2024 offers hands-on weeklong deep dive into fundamentals of 3D computer vision and deep learning techniques. Great opportunity to learn from accomplished researchers in the field. Undergrad 3rd/4th year and MS/PhD students as well as industry aspirants are welcome to apply.
  3. IIIT-H is happy to announce the commencement of the 7th episode of its Summer School Series, an exciting opportunity for those interested in diving into the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. The 7th summer school will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at equipping participants with relevant advances in the critical and fast-developing area of artificial intelligence. It will be conducted in both Physical and Virtual Mode.
  4. The domain of 3D Vision deals with acquisition and analysis of 3-dimensional objects/scenes with wider applications in Animation, AR/VR platforms, Autonomous driving, Medical Imaging, etc. The primary representation for 3D objects are Point Cloud, Mesh and Voxels. These 3D objects/scenes are primarily captured either by depth sensors (e.g., RGBD sensors like Kinect and Laser sensors) or by processing images/videos taken from single/multiple RGB cameras. Algorithms for recovering 3D objects from multiple view images involves elaborate theoretical foundation from Multi-View Geometry developed in the last decade. Recently, deep learning methods have also reinvigorated interest in this domain with more efficient/scalable solutions for 3D reconstruction and analysis.
  5. As part of the silver jubilee celebrations at IIIT-H, IT Minister KT Rama Rao visited the campus for a fireside chat on Friday, 27 January 2023 at 6 pm at the Amphitheatre. The minister interacted with students, faculty and key stakeholders. During the visit, he also viewed presentations and demos on selected research from the institute.  The talk series, with leaders, distinguished academia and industry captains, will continue throughout the next 18 months. 
  6. Research work done by the students and faculty were awarded the Best paper award and Best paper award – Runner up at the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP-2022) held at IIT Gandhinagar from 8 – 10 December.
  7. 3D Vision Summer School is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during May, 22 - 28, 2022.
  8. Jobin KV, Ajoy Mondal, and C.V. Jawahar won the Best Paper Award at Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP) 2021 for the paper “Classroom Slide Narration System”.
  9. The ACM India Council names Prof. C. V. Jawahar as the recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education (OCCE) Award, 2021. A selection committee comprising eminent international personalities chose Dr. Jawahar for this edition of the OCCE award. This award recognizes individuals who have made fundamental, innovative and impactful contributions to computing education in India.
  10. Dr. C V Jawahar was one of the guest organizers of the Ninth International Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction, and Computing. A full-day session on “Introducing Ego4D - a massive first-person dataset and challenge”, was conducted on 17th October 2021.
  11. Facebook AI announces Ego4D, an ambitious long-term project aimed at solving research challenges in egocentric perception. IIIT-Hyderabad is one of the varsities in the academic consortium to partner with Facebook AI in collecting 2,200 hours of first-person video in the wild, that features over 700 participants going about their daily lives.
  12. Congratulations !! Professor Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla was awarded the Sir Vithal N Chandavarkar Memorial Medal for the best thesis during the IISc convocation held on October 6, 2021. He received the award from the chief guest Shri Uday Kotak, CEO, Kotak Bank.
  13. CSIR-CRRI (Central Road Research Institute), in collaboration with Intel, INAI and IIIT-Hyderabad. It was launched by the honorable minister for road transport and highways, Nitin Gadkari in Nagpur. The project called iRASTE (intelligent Solutions for Road Safety through Technology and Engineering) uses the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence) to reduce road accidents in Nagpur. The solution will be launched in other cities in a phased manner.
  14. Sanjana Gunna, Rohit Saluja and C V Jawahar won the Best Paper Award at Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR) 2021 for the paper “Transfer Learning for Scene Text Recognition in Indian Languages”.
  15. 5th Summer school on Artificial Intelligence With focus on Computer Vision and Machine Learning is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during August 02-31, 2021.
  16. Congratulations to Prof C V Jawahar, who has been appointed as a new Dean of Research and Development at the IIIT-Hyderabad
  17. 4th Summer school on machine learning is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during July 08-13, 2019.
  18. 4th Summer school on computer vision is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during July 01-06, 2019.
  19. Every 10 mins, 3 die in mishaps, Intel wants to get insight into safer Indian roads.Rai pointed out that Intel, along with IIIT Hyderabad, Will continue to build more "diverse" data sets from different geographical. IIIT Hyderabad professor C V Jawahar pointed out that in the coming days data will be collected from rural parts of Telangana also. So far data collection with the help of EVs has been restricted to Hyderabad and Bengaluru.
  20. Congratulations to Prof C V Jawahar, who has been elected a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineers (INAE)
  21. Modern AI is dominated by the use of data and if you want Indian problems to get attention worldwide, we need data and this is something that will be the fundamental building block,” says C V Jawahar, who heads the computer vision group at IIIT Hyderabad. The idea is to make this data openly accessible for researchers to train their machine learning models. The team from IIIT Hyderabad plans to run a challenge at the upcoming European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) to attract more researchers to use the dataset. “Now the dataset is being made public. This is useful for non-commercial use and research,” says Jawahar. The Indian Driving Dataset (IDD), which has about 26 classes, will put Indian road safety problems on the radar of AI researchers.
  22. Sudhir Yarram, Girish Varma, C.V. Jawahar won Best Runner-Up Paper Award at IROS 2018 for their paper "City-Scale Road Audit System using Deep Learning".
  23. Prof. C V Jawahar participated in INTEL AI Devcon on 08 August at Bangalore.
  24. At the Centre for Visual Information Technology (CVIT), IIIT-H researchers though have gone beyond a mere audio guide and made a visit to a heritage site an interactive experience. Sahil Chelaramani, 2nd year, MS by Research student and one of the researchers behind the Interactive Tour Guide project says that the intent behind digital heritage projects at IIIT-H was to digitize information typically found in archaic ASI records and make it accessible to the common man in a way that is user-friendly and engaging. He explains how work in the field of digitizing heritage information has been going on for a while at the centre. “Our paper, An Interactive Tour Guide For a Heritage Siteis a small part of ongoing work, but we’ve refined and taken it further. We’ve introduced the ability to customize the story telling”, says Sahil modestly.
  25. One usually associates split screens with news channel panel discussions with multiple guests in the same frame. And that is typically done with an elaborate camera crew and their multiple cameras, a cameraperson focussing one camera each on a panel member. Similar is the case of stage performances like a dance recital or a play. Recordings of such dynamic events are typically captured with multiple cameras and cameramen to capture the scene from various viewpoints, or a single wide static high-resolution camera, which are then edited together to create a single video.
  26. Prof. C V Jawahar and Prof. P J Narayanan participated in India Technology Leadership Series – Industry and Government Dialogues on 27 July at New Delhi.
  27. Nikitha Vallurupalli, Sriharsha Annamaneni, Girish Varma, C.V. Jawahar, Manu Mathew and Soyeb Nagori won Best Runner-Up Paper Award at CVPR workshop on Embedded Computer Vision for their paper "Efficient Semantic Segmentation using Gradual Grouping."
  28. Pritish Mohapatra, Michal Rolínek, C.V. Jawahar, Vladimir Kolmogorov and M. Pawan Kumar won Honorable mention at CVPR 2018 for their paper "Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions".
  29. The next time you walk into Golconda Fort and wish to quietly enjoy your walk through, but keen on knowing some details of the edifice at the same time, you need not depend on anyone for the information. All you have to do is to scan the object of your interest using the mobile phone and the story behind it will enfold on the screen with images. This would soon be possible with a digital heritage project being worked on by the students of IIIT-Hyderabad.
  30. Imagine seeing every move of players from a variety of perspectives, analysing their strengths and weaknesses, seeing their favourite shots and their agility levels from start to end all on your mobile phone! Sounds a little far-fetched. But with the technology being developed by the research students of International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad (IIIT-H), even coaches in a small town can afford to do that.
  31. 11 Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during December 18-22, 2018.
  32. 3 Summer school on machine learning: Advances In Modern AI is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during July 09-14, 2018.
  33. 3 Summer school on computer vision: Basics Of Modern AI is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during July 02-07, 2018.
  34. Samyak Datta, Gaurav Sharma and C. V. Jawahar won the best paper award at Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2018). Their work was on "Unsupervised Learning of Face Representations". The 13th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), Xi'an, China.
  35. Praveen Krishnan, Kartik Dutta and C. V. Jawahar won the best paper award at DAS 2018 on their work was on "Word Spotting and Recognition using Deep Embedding". The 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2018.
  36. Anoop Namboodiri won the best paper award at ICB 2018 on his work on "Semi-Adversarial Networks: Convolutional Autoencoders for Imparting Privacy to Face Images". Congratulations to Anoop!!
  37. Brainstorming on Autonomous Navigation And Indian Settings is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during December 20, 2017.
  38. Anurag Ghosh and C. V. Jawahar "SmartTennisTV: Automatic indexing of tennis videos" National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2017
  39. Viral Parekh, Ramanathan Subramanian, Dipanjan Roy C.V. Jawahar "An EEG-based Image Annotation System - National Conference on Computer Vision" Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2017
  40. Talk On Perceptual Quality Assessment of Real-World Images and Videos is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad On September 22, 2017.
  41. Technical Leadership workshop on introduction to Machine Learning 2017 (Batch I) is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during August 28-29, 2017.
  42. Summer school on machine learning: Deep learning is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during July 10-15, 2017.
  43. Summer school on computer vision: Deep learning is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during July 03-08, 2017.
  44. SHORT COURSE ON DEEP LEARNING is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during Dec 01-04, 2016.
  45. Yashaswi Verma and Prof. C.V. Jawahar got their work accepted at CVIU. Many congratulations to them!!
  46. The INAE honours Indian and Foreign nationals who are elected by "peer" committees in recognition of their personal achievements in "Engineering" which are of exceptional merit and demonstrated distinctive eminence in the new and developing fields of technology. Many congratulations to Prof. P J Narayanan.
  47. Suriya Singh, Dr. Chetan Arora and Prof. C.V. Jawahar got their work accepted at PR'16. Many congratulations to all the authors!!
  48. SUMMER SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING FOR COMPUTER VISION is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during July 11-16, 2016.
  49. Rajat Aggarwal and Amrisha Vohra with Anoop M. Namboodiri, Suriya Singh with Chetan Arora and C.V. Jawahar, and Nishant Agrawal with Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Piotr Bojanowski, Josef Sivic, Ivan Laptev and Simon Lacoste-Julien got their work accepted at CVPR 2016. Many congratulations to all the authors.
  50. Aniket Singh won the best paper award at ACPR 2015 on his work on "Laplacian Pyramids for Deep Feature Inversion". He works with Dr. Anoop. Congratulations to Aniket and Anoop!!
  51. Sourabh D. is selected for Intel PhD fellowship 2015. He works with Prof. C. V. Jawahar and Dr. Karteek Alhari.
  52. Prof. Jawahar has been appointed as Associate Editor of IEEE TPAMI.
  53. Two papers from CVIT have been accepted at ICCV 2015. Many congratulations to authors: Vijay Kumar (With Dr. Anoop and Prof. Jawahar) and Viresh Ranjan (With Dr. Nikhil and Prof. Jawahar).
  54. Aseem Bhel, Pritish Mohapatra, M. Pawan Kumar and Prof. C.V. Jawahar got their work accepted at TPAMI'15. Many congratulations to all the authors!!
  55. Anand Mishra wins the Doctoral Dissertation Award-First Runner up by Xerox Research India at XRCI Open 2015. Congratulations to Anand!!
  56. Arunava Chakravarty wins TCS PhD Fellowship. Congratulations to him!!
  57. Pritish Mohapatra with M. Pawan Kumar and C. V. Jawahar got their work accepted at NIPS 2014. Many congratulations to Mohapatra et al.!!
  58. Arunava Chakravarty and Prof. Jayanthi Sivaswamy got their work accepted at MICCAI 2014. Many congratulations to them!!
  59. Aseem Behl with M. Pawan Kumar and Jawahar, Rashmi Tonge with Subhransu Maji and Jawahar, and Yashaswi Verma with Ramachandruni Sandeep and Jawahar got their work accepted at CVPR 2014. Many congratulations to all the authors.
  60. Aditya Deshpande and P.J. Narayanan received the Best GPU Paper Award for their paper "Can GPUs Sort Strings Efficiently?" at HiPC 2013. Many congratulations to them!!
  61. Praveen Krishnan wins TCS PhD fellowship 2013. He works with Prof. C. V. Jawahar.
  62. Prof. C V Jawahar will be one of the workshop chairs for ACCV 2014 to be held during 1-5 Nov, 2014 in Singapore.
  63. The team with Prof. C V Jawahar as a program co-chair has won the bid for ICDAR 2017 to be held in Japan.
  64. The paper: "Computerised evaluation of fundus images: A Novel screering method for glaucoma by L Chakrabarty, G D Joshi, S R Krishnadas and J Sivaswamy won the best paper award at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Glaucoma Society of India, 20-22 Sep. 2013, Indore, India.
  65. Natraj J (with Ayush and Digvijay) and Yashaswi Verma got their work accepted at BMVC'2013.
  66. Rajvi Shah wins the Google India PhD fellowship 2013. She works with Prof. P. J. Narayanan.
  67. Yashaswi Verma receives the Microsoft Research India PhD fellowship 2013. Yashaswi works on automatic image annotation and retrieval with Prof. Jawahar.
  68. Mayank Juneja and Siddhartha Chandra got their work accepted at IEEE CVPR 2013. They work with Prof. Jawahar.
  69. Arunava Chakravarty and Ujjwal got their work accepted at ISBI 2013. They work with Prof. Jayanthi Sivaswamy.
  70. Prof. P. J. Narayanan of CVIT has been appointed as a new director of IIIT-H. He will begin his new role as director from Monsoon 2013.
  71. Natraj J and Yashaswi Verma (with Prof. Jawahar), and Harisit Sureka and Sidharth Choudhary (with Prof. P. J. Narayanan) got their work accepted at ECCV 2012.
  72. Anand Mishra selected for Microsoft Research India PhD Fellowship 2012. He is one among only four PhD students in India. Anand works with Prof. Jawahar.
  73. Ankush Gupta, Yashaswi Verma and C.V. Jawahar got their work accepted at AAAI 2012.
  74. Sai Deepak K and Jayanthi Sivaswamy got their work accepted at IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
  75. Anand Mishra, Karteek Alahari and C. V. Jawahar got their work accepted at IEEE CVPR 2012.
  76. Prof. C. V. Jawahar won the "Best Paper Award" in ICVGIP '10 for the paper "Realtime Motion Segmentation based Multibody Visual SLAM" by Abhijit Kundu, C. V. Jawahar and Madhava Krishna.
  77. Maneesh Upmanyu, Anoop Namboodiri, K. Srinathan and C. V. Jawahar got their work "Efficient Privacy Preserving Video Surveillance" accepted in ICCV 2009, congratulations to them.
  78. Prof. P. J. Narayanan is one of the organizers. Details can be found here
  79. Jyotirmoy Banerjee, Anoop M. Namboodiri and C. V. Jawahar got their work "Contextual Restoration of Severely Degraded Document Images" accepted in CVPR 2009, congratulations to them
  80. Prof. P. J. Narayanan is declared as the "CUDA Faculty Fellow" by Jen-Hsun Huang, CE0, NVIDIA. He is the first CUDA Faculty Fellow from India.
  81. Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO, NVIDIA visited IIIT Hyderabad and inaugurated a Nvidia Visual Computing Lab. Read more about it here.
  82. The following paper from CVIT was selected as a "Best Paper" in DAS '08: Jyotirmoy Banerjee, and C.V. Jawahar "Super-resolution of Text Images Using Edge-Directed Tangent Field".
  83. Million Meshesha of CVIT became the first student to be awarded a PhD from IIIT, Hyderabad for his work on "Recognition and Retrieval from Document Image Collections".
  84. Dr. Jawahar of CVIT was selected as one of the 'outstanding reviewers' for CVPR '08. He was also one of the 'best reviewers' for ACCV '07.
  85. The following paper from CVIT was accepted for publication in ECCV08: Avinash Sharma and Anoop Namboodiri, "Projected Texture for Object Classification"
  86. CVPR 2008 has accepted the following paper from CVIT: P. Kowshik, J. Shashank, K. Srinathan and C. V. Jawahar "Private Content Based Image Retrieval"
  87. Indo-Israeli Workshop is being conducted at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad during February 04-05, 2008
  88. Pramod K, Jawahar C. got their work "Probabilistic Reverse Annotation for Large Scale Image Retrieval" accepted in CVPR 2007, congratulations to them
  89. CVIT got 3 papers accepted in ICRA 2007 (24th International Conference on Robotics and Automation). For details click here
  90. CVIT contributed 16 papers out of 87 total. Poster titled "Text Driven Temporal Segmentation of Cricket Videos" from CVIT got the best poster award.
  91. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision 2007 getting organized in Austin, Texas, USA.
  92. Asian Conference on Computer Vision - 2006 was organized successfully by CVIT, IIIT at Taj Krishna, Hyderabad during 13-16 January 2006
  93. Asian Conference on Computer Vision - 2006 is being organised in Hyderabad by CVIT.