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By Ann Jacob
Ann Jacob
The 23rd INTERSPEECH Conference was from September 18 to 22, 2022 at Songdo Convensia, in Incheon, Korea, under the theme “Human and Humanizing Speech Technology”.
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By Sony Thomas
Sony Thomas
I have completed my Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur under the supervision of Prof. Jayanta Mukhopadhyay. I worked on unsupervised machine learning and deep learning algorithms and explored remote sensing applications.
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By Sony Thomas
Sony Thomas
For Siddhant Bansal, an MS student at CVIT of IIIT-H, travelling to New Orleans to attend the CVPR Conference came as an exciting opportunity after the ordeal of attending online classes and virtual conferences due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Being the first person to travel abroad from his family,
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By Ann Jacob
Ann Jacob
Alumni meet on 23 rd June at CVPR (at the convention center)
We were able to host this year’s Alumni meet for IIT/CVIT students at the CVPR conference held in New Orleans, Louisana. Vision Diaspora is the name for this informal luncheon meeting of approximately 40 people. Siddhant Bansal organized this meeting by sending out an e-invite to all attending the CVPR conference.
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By Ann Jacob
Ann Jacob
We were able to witness yet another enthusiastic batch of students attending the Student Orientation program at CVIT. UGGDD and Honours students were given a warm welcome by Dr.Jawahar, who conducted the Introductory orientation program and familiarized the students with expectations from them. During his talk, he mentioned how CVIT has been cohesively and collaboratively conducting research over the years. Dr.Vineet and Dr.Sudipta briefly introduced themselves and shared their stories about how they came about joining CVIT.
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By Sony Thomas
Sony Thomas
The Center for Visual Information Technology(CVIT), from the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad(IIITH), hosted a One-week 3D Vision Summer School from May 22, 2022-May 28,2022 at the Kohli Center for Intelligent Systems, IIITH. Dr. Avinash Sharma, Dr. Ravi Kiran and Dr. Charu Sharma conducted the event, supported by student volunteers, to provide insight on 3D Vision along with daily hands-on experience for the participants.